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premolar extraction experience

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:03 am
by liwang02138
I have just have my 4 premolars extracted yesterday and I would like to share my experience with all of you :-)

first, you can eat, drink and do whatever you want before the extraction.
My husband drove me to the doctor's office but I felt that I could drive myself after the extraction so if you cant find someone driving you there you could go by yourself too.

I went to the doctor who did my wisdom teeth. He first used some blue gel
around my gum then gave me a pinch around the teeth which needed to be pulled. This was the worst part of it!

After that its really quick. he used something pulled the teeth out directly.
You could feel the a lot of pressure but not too much pain.

In 30 minutes everything was done. He asked me to bite on the gauze for 20 minutes and it stopped bleeding after I took them out.

I did not take any pain reliever but I could not eat for dinner.
Still a bit sore today but I am quite fine.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:21 am
by CelestialVoices
Glad to hear things went well for you :)

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:27 am
by gracie381
I also had 4 pre-molars took out yesterday. I couldn't eat or drink before mine through. I was put to sleep. It was over really fast and I am doing pretty good also. I'm also a little sore this morning, but nothing major. Glad to know your experience went well also. Best of luck!!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:34 pm
by fenderella
Goodness! You all did WAY better than I did!

I did NOT handle the extractions well at all. I was put to sleep, but as I came out of the "sleep induced coma" I started crying and hyperventalating. My boyfriend kept petting my head and I kept saying, "I love you! I love you!" I was SO scared! LOL!

I barely ate for a week and I couldn't take the Vicodin the dentist prescribed. It made me VERY ill, so I had to take Tylenol 3 which was nice! :D

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:43 pm
by TuZZi
I got 4 bicuspids removed 2 at a time, and the first day I almost fainted and had a really nice view of the floor, while the 2nd day I was perfectly fine! It's been 8 days since I got them out, and I still have pretty big holes in my mouth. Anyone know how long it takes before I don't get food stuck in there?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:50 pm
by fenderella
My gumholes sealed up after the extractions after about 2 weeks. The tissue grows very quickly, so they should be completely filled in by then.

Now if only I could stop getting food stuck in my BRACES! :roll:

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:48 pm
by Jodster
I just had 4 of my bicuspids (pre-molars) out today, and it took FOREVER for the bleeding to stop!! I was changing the gauze every 10 minutes for the first two hours, and then about every hour for another 3 hours!

I didn't know dental offices opened so early, because I was on laughing gas at 7 AM. LAUGHING GAS IS THE GREATEST!!

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 12:40 am
by littleshaddies
I had 4 pre-molars removed two months ago. I took in my little soft bear for support. Injections were the only pain, if you can call it pain I felt. Pulling the teeth out was easy but I did bite the dentit fingers at one point since I was tence and had no idea I did it until he asked me to let go of his fingers. He had good sence of humor so that helped. As for after, I didn't eat that day and boy was i hungry. :( Next day I had muffin for breakfast, rice for lunch and mashed potato for tea. And the next few days were the same. I just got to the point of being able to bite into crusty bread once again and braces were put on. So here we go again :lol: