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Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:41 pm
by dkt3
Thought I would share my strange mind because I know people with braces would understand:

Last night I had a dream about eating a peeled orange whole and when I had finished all my brackets had come off every tooth and then the wire came out. In my dream I was so worried about what my ortho would say because every bracket would need replacing and new wire!!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 7:49 am
by true_jaat
Talking about dreams, have read in this forum before that some of the people here have had dreams of their teeth falling out but I have started having completely the opposite dreams - in my dream I look in the mirror and i see that my teeth are perfect - then in my dream I go to my ortho and start hassling him on why the hell r the braces still on if my teeth are perfect. The weird thing is I have had this a couple of times now - very strange... (not that I mind though cause I m truly very happy in the dream)

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:03 am
by CelestialVoices
I've had many many dreams about my teeth falling out (not lately though, thankfully) and its a really scary feeling. I wonder if I'll have any wierd dreams once my orthodontic work starts...

Scary dreams

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 4:45 pm
by HollyDontSpend
Not only do I dream about my brackets falling off, I dream that my teeth are even worse than they were before the braces and my ortho is still planning on taking the braces off. I panic because I want my teeth to look perfect. :shock:

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:41 pm
by mackenzie
I had a dream the other night that I forgot about until this reminded me. I don't exactly remember it but I ate a no-no food and a bunch of brackets came off and everything was hanging all over the place. I was so scared of what my ortho would say because we are supposed to be working together to get my braces off faster. She gives me appointments that are closer together and I'm not supposed to eat any of the bad foods and when I get rubberbands I have to ALWAYS wear them.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:43 am
by n216
I had a dream last night that my two front brackets came off when i woke up i was happy when they were still there i hate those plastic lip spreaders they use

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:32 pm
by S_Ranger
Their could be different reasons for having dreams of your teeth falling out. But to keep it short, dreams like this are prolly telling you that you're concerned about your appearance/smile.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:00 am
by jcdamon3
I have had this dream for years. I didn't really think it had anything to do with my teeth really. I thought it was a "control" dream (losing control of your life--your teeth fall out, right? What could be worse?)... till I read this:

Wow! I didn't think it had anything to do with bruxism, which I have also been doing for years!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:20 am
by hannah164
For a while I had dreams about getting bottom braces on or having major adjustments. But it wasn't all bad. I 've also had the losing your teeth dreams. That was an interesting article Jcdamon3.

-Hannah :frogbraces:

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:29 am
by OceanGirl
Before I got braced I would have dreams about my teeth falling on the floor. After I got braced I had a couple of dreams where my teeth would fall out but they weren't falling on the floor because the braces were there. It was very weird.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:55 am
by fearthetenor
I get those dreams periodically, and they're a pain in the neck! JCDamon, thanks for the link. That helps me better understand what's causing them. I never though that my teeth grinding would affect it! It does make sense that people who undergo extensive dental work would have these dreams. I just wish I wasn't one of them. It's reassuring knowing that I'm not the only one who has these bizarre dreams. Good luck to all of you!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:56 am
by raregem
I had 1 wear my brackets and wire came off and were hanging and it was a panic dream b/c, as you know teeth will shift pretty quickly and I would have to start over.

Then 2 nights ago I dreamt my front two brackets came off so my midline was off center and all my teeth were moving. Again panic!

I woke happily to find them grinding into my cheeks. I can't say I've ever been happy about that before.

Not falling out...

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 3:18 pm
by amychelle
I had a dream a few nights ago that a friend of mine got braces. ???? I still had mine, and they were as they should be, but he had gotten ceramics on top only (I have metal on top only) but he doesn't need braces. He has a tiny little bitty overlap on one of his bottom teeth, but otherwise (with a whitening session) he'd have moviestar teeth.

In the dream, my neice even said "What did he get braces for? I thought his teeth were perfect?"

I remember my dream self thinking that he was doing it either to copy or comfort me. A "so you won't be alone" gesture. Which makes sense to me, I get a lot of emotional support in all areas of my life from him.

Anybody else got a clue?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:21 pm
by Mona0922
So far I haven't had any dreams about my teeth or appliances doing anything heinous, but last night I dreamt that I ran into B A Baracus (aka Mr. T) in a dark alley, but then he flashed a big smile so I could see his metal uppers and told me how good my braces looked. I wonder what the dream doctor would say about that?

I'm not making fun; I really had this dream. Last night.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:04 pm
by weird_wired
Omigod me too - while on holiday I had a dream that all the brackets came off and I wasn't going to be able to get to my orthodontist to fix it!