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The Curry Question

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:13 am
by Tin Man
By now every single person on this site known that curry + ligatures is a bad combination. Last night I was supposed to eat a friends house until I found out that they were having curried chicken so I respectfully declined. I have a black powerchain and was wondering does curry have a disaterous effect on black too, or is it just the lighter colors?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:41 pm
by tictac
I think if you brushed immediately after, you'd be ok with the curry. And if there was any discoloration, it would be practically unnoticeable. The only black ligs I've seen that looked bad were the ones with 2 tons of plaque and food stuck in them. I doubt that's you!

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 2:45 pm
by glowstix
you turned down the curry chicken??? :yikes: the way i see it, ligatures and chains are going to stain anyway, so why not just eat it anyway??

its bad enough that you have to stay away from certain foods, you shouldn't limit yourself otherwise. even though i would go an adjustment period without curry, my powerchains still wouldn't be the sky blue at the end like they were in the beginning. besides, right after the curry chicken, the ligs/chains would be a flourescent colour :-* but after a day or so, it fades as long as you keep :-}

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:41 pm
by Eleni
I am going to sound like an echo here, but YOU TURNED DOWN GOOD FOOD? Tin Man, we must reevaluate your life's priorities!

J/k. As a person who spent two weeks in India and ate curry about twice a day for that time, I can assure you there are ways to keep your ligs unstained.

1. Regarding the basics, cut your meal into small bits and fork your food into your mouth and chew. Bitting into it will just make it that harder to get the curry out from in/btw the ligs. Any naan and/or yogurt will also help dilute the curry.

2. Drink water with your meal. Occasioanlly swirl the water in your mouth before you swallow it. It's a little odd at the dinner table, but if it allows you to eat curry, I say suck it up and there are more embarassing things in life than playing with your beverage.

3. Brush as soon after your meal as you can. If it's much later, it's still no big deal. The point is to enjoy the food and company of friends.

3. Add a little baking soda to your toothbrush in addition to the gel/paste and brush away. It will get any curry/stain out that your toothpaste alone couldn't do.

AT least try it. And never, ever say no to a home meal with friends. I don't care what color it will turn your ligs. :-*

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:04 pm
by Tin Man
I've never actually tasted curry in my entire life so whatever I was turning down, I had no idea what it tasted like. I ate all the other stuff they were serving, just not the chicken. I also sampled a pretty good portion of their gin :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:56 am
by caryca
I have clear ligatures... and on Sat. party there was curry- only curry so...after couple of glasses of wine(withe;-)) I had curry, at first they were stained, but today they look well ok- the coffee gets to them any way.

I would have the CURRY -i'm missing it so badly!

Re: The Curry Question

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:33 am
by littleshaddies
If it is not curry it is something else. Can't eat only white food for 12 months and drink only water. I did avoid curry at first and still stained the ligatures. Now I just eat all I can and pretend I have chosen the orange and brown ligatures, after all why is pink or red any different? It is all colour. As long as you match it with your outfit will look ok :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:59 am
by Al Carter
Last week I discovered the red wine issue - I did not know that red wine would cause such staining. Luckily it was the night before I went to get the wire thing under the roof of my mouth put in so I got new ligatures - elastics on each brace bit right?

So red wine is verboten, curry is not to be eaten - what other foods and beverages should I think twice about now?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:50 am
by Carmella
I have found that in addition to curry and red wine, YELLOW MUSTARD will stand bands as well. Beware....

Re: The Curry Question

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:27 am
by LoobyLou
Tin Man wrote: Last night I was supposed to eat a friends house
Well eating a friend's house would definitely stain your braces!!!!!!!

Just kidding, just thought it was amusing!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:08 pm
by Pablo
I posted this in it's own post a few down but I'll mention it again.. haven't heard anyone else even mention them .. I've ceramic brackets ( GAC mystique ) On my last adjustment my ortho took off the usuall clear rubber ligs and clipped on these new hard plastic ones .. They span from top to bottom of the bracket .. He said they don't stain and so far,after tea, coffee, curry , ( all the bad stuff ) they haven't. Not one bit .. From the front they kinda look like white crosses. I think they look good and they don't feel too much different. Don't have too much more info on them.. May ask for the name of them in 3 weeks..


Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:27 pm
by tofino
Hi Everybody.

I wouldn't give up Indian food if little baby kittens' lives hung in the balance.

Anyway, when I had the ortho assistant use thin stainless-steel wire ties for ligatures, and smoke-gray powerchains (thanks Lynn), I could go wild on Shahi Paneer or Murgh Tikka with no worries. Superfloss, Sensodyne Baking Soda toothpaste, and good 'ol amber "make you cry" Listerine afterwards, as insurance.



(PM me is you want a great and super-simple 8000 year-old recipe for making Paneer from scratch with two (2) ingredients)