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What Have I Got Myself Into???

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 7:46 am
by gracie381
I am getting really nervous about getting my braces this Thursday. :( I know I've posted on here quite a bit and you guys have been so encouraging, but I'm literally scared at this point. I've had quite a bit done and it's been pretty painful. I know I have a lot more pain to come. I also will have to have that expander thing (not familiar with all technical words just yet) and I am so not looking foward to that. Sometimes I wonder what I have got myself into?? I have already had 4 1st bicuspids extracted so there's definitely no turning back, but I feel so anxious and scared!! I usually tolerate pain fairly well. I mean I have 2 tattoos and I handled that pretty well, but my mouth is a different story!! I'm 26 and feel like a kid going to get my first shot at the doctor :shock: I'm worried it will hurt when they put my braces on Thursday. I feel pain in my mouth just thinking about it!! Please tell me I'll live through this and it won't be that devastating. I know, I'm a big baby!! Thank for listening!!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:04 am
by littleshaddies
You'll live.
I am the worst at handling pain and yet I had 4 teeth out too. I am with braces two weeks now. I don't like it, I complain a lot, I seek shoulders to cry on, but it is not half as bad as I make it up. I am sure everyone will tell you the same.
Yes, it did hurt tho. I never had a tatoo done and not sure if I can spell it right even. To compare the pain I shall call it a migrane in your mouth on the first night :-+ The first two days I cried over my food, I used words like you know :oops: but it got better a bit at the time. I trust everyone here that will get even better. The main thing is you have support from a lot of people going through the same. And advice too.
Good luck. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:32 am
by momof2grlz
Your signature mentions spacers. If you've had spacers, then you probably have a pretty good idea how your mouth will feel when your braces are put on. It's not really PAIN. It's more of a soreness for the first few days, especially if you try to chew. The inside of your checks may also develop sores from the brackets rubbing.

I can't offer any advice about the expander. Got to skip that joy.

Stock up on soup, noodles, mashed potatoes, yogurt, smoothies, etc. for the first couple of days. Also use wax if a bracket starts to rub a sore - but don't use wax constantly if you don't have to. You want your cheeks to toughen up and develop some scar tissue.

You might also want to take Tylenol or Advil on a regular schedule for the first couple of days. I found that if I took it regularly, the discomfort was manageable. Then on the third or fourth day I realized I didn't need to take it as often.

You'll get through it just fine. It's really not that bad. After a couple of weeks, you won't even be aware that you have braces.


Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:44 am
by CelestialVoices
You'll be fine, just follow the advice that everyone else has given and things will go smoothly. Good luck! :)

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:37 am
by gracie381
Thanks so much. It's makes me feel better to hear from all of you. You guys are so supportive. You're probably tired of hearing me whine, but you keep giving me positive feedback. Kiwi, you have been super supportive. My extraction have healed really well. My uppers are taking a little longer, but my bottoms are almost completely closed. My main pain is from my jaw, which I think has a lot to do with my bite, and the fact that my my molar band is on a tooth I just had filled a couple of weeks ago. I think they're still adjusting. Anway thanks, and I welcome positive feedback anytime. You guys are great!! Don't know what I'd do without you :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:49 pm
by BraceUrself
I was braced 8 days ago(only on top so far) & I can sincerely promise you that getting the braces put on-DID NOT hurt at all-I mean 0% pain! Spacers cause worse pain than the actual application of the braces do! I promise-I was concerned about the pain too but trust me, it's really no problem & you'll be braced before you know it thinking to yourself'"what was I afraid of?" If you do need to talk or vent or anything, we are all here to listen & we can walk through this with you ok? Take Care, rest & don't worry too much! :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:20 pm
by n216
i thought the pain would be much worse then it is its not that bad sure it sucks but the pain is not what i thought it would be my ortho keeps telling me i will be sore but not bad yet and i have power chains on

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:33 pm
by gracie381
Thanks so much you guys. I feel better already. I let you know how things turn out. And keep filling me in on how you all are doing. Thanks again!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:02 am
by moli
I haven't gotten my braces yet, but I'm no good with pain, either. I make sure my doctors write in allllllll my medical records that I don't handle shots well. I get lightheaded when I get a papercut. I can't even imagine how much it's just going to *suck* getting my wisdom teeth out.

I have two tattoos, and those aren't the same sort of pain as medical pain. I've found that having someone to talk to helps with tattoos, so maybe it'll help having a friend or two at the orthodontist? You won't be able to talk, but they can, and they can keep you distracted.

I've also found that most of the time if I don't think about something that's hurting it doesn't seem to hurt as much or at all. Maybe you can give yourself something to look forward to the day you get your braces (massive shopping trip, going out with friends, etc.) that will help you stay focused on something else before, during, and after the whole thing.

Good luck!!! I'm sure you'll be fine.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:52 am
by Dolfan

I'm going in for my braces on Thursday as well! I'm nervous too.

Hope everything goes great for you!!