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small gap and i am going mad...need help

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:51 pm
by megan_in_pink
ok so i know i don't post alot but ya school mad
i got this moring and went to brush my teeth and i see this small gap between my 2 front teeth on the top. i also had a dentist appment today. the dentist said nothing about it. so what should i do? i am worried about this gap but i know my ortho is no open on thursday so should call friday it that gap is still there? or will till when i go in on the is pic of the gap


i know it not great but i hope it helps

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:36 pm
by tofino
Salut Megan.

From what I've read here, gaps can open up and close several times throughout treatment. I'd be shocked if this was anything that couldn't wait, but I guess an ortho is the person for that decision, right? Maybe post over on "Ask the Doc" ?

Peut etre on a besoin plus d'information de ton cas.

Good luck.



Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:54 pm
by Caroline
Ne t'en fais pas, Megan. Au cours de ton traitement, parfois les choses paraissent pire avant que çe soit mieux. C'est tout à fait normal. De toute façon, ce sont des choses que ton ortho devrait dépister: c'est d'abord et avant tout un professionnel! Mais puisque tu es soucieuse de ce problème, parles-lui en à ton prochain ajustement.

Bonne chance!

En passant, dans quelle région de Montréal es-tu?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:24 pm
by Shelby014
Bonjour Caroline! Mes francaise n'est pas tres bein. Je suis juste une francaise l'eleve. Je m'apelle Shelby. Je suis petite et brune. Je suis de Indiana. Je suis regretta si mes francaise es mauvaise.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 4:26 pm
by megan_in_pink
hey thanks for the help everyone the gap is no bigger today maybe a bit smaller but today i trip and my braces cut up the inside of my chin...the joy of braces :|