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When does movement start???

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:26 pm
by Carly58
I've had by braces for 2 weeks and 2 days. I was wondering when do you start seeing movement? I keep checking and nothing so far. :Questions:

Just curious !

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:46 pm
by shinyam
It can takes months, or sometimes even years before you seen any movement. Be patient.

I have hada ZERO movement for a full 12 months now. I just had rectangular wires inserted six weeks ago, and still have not seen any movment.

Everyone varies. But since you just got your braces on, you should see a lot of movement after two months.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:38 pm
by decisionmade
Hi Carly! I've had mine for 2weeks and one day..and have seen subtle movement. Are you taking pictures? I take one every week..It is the best way to see changes that you just can't see when its happening so slowly...sometimes more telling than seeing the changes is feeling the bite changes and sensitivity/soreness..all indicators that something is ortho aid I will be seeing dramatic changes in the coming weeks..I am excited..don't give up is very early yet but make sure to take photos:)

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:53 pm
by caringiscreepy
It really depends, my top teeth straightened out in just a month which I was amazed by but my bottom ones don't seem to have improved at all in that time.
The best idea is to take pictures, you might not notice any movement just looking at your teeth in the mirror but if you look at pictures you'll really see the changes.

The big picture

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:07 pm
by tofino

I started with some of the scariest teeth out there :shock: (*Big file, ugly.)

Here is the day of my 3rd adjustment:

My fourth monthly adjustment was a few days ago and I am, as they say in Quebec, 'Over the moon' with satisfaction. My family and friends back in Manitoba are in for a shock at Christmas.

Decisionmade is bang on: take lots of photos from different angles and after a few months you may stop and say, "Wow, it's happening". What a great feeling that is.

I wish that orthodontics were covered by all insurance carriers - my heart goes out to those who desperately want braces for themselves or their kids, but cannot currently afford them. I waited 25 years for mine.

As always, Cheers and best of luck to everybody with your treatment and visible progress.


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:11 pm
by TheSilverSmileChileno
movement for me was pretty fast

its been 2 months already and my movement is awesome, ill try to put some pictures today!!

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:16 pm
by Carly58
Hey thanks for your comments.

I tried taking pictures, but they just come out blurry. Maybe I don't have a good enough camera. It's a digital. I can't use the flash because it's way too bright and if I get to close it's blurry. Farther away you can't see enough. What type do you use?

My upper arch is going to actually move up and out a little. My 4 upper incisors are pushed in and back slightly and hang down over the lower teeth. I think what they need to do is called "relative intrusion". My teeth are a little crooked, especially on the lowers, but not much. Then I will have surgery around 1 year of braces to move the lower jaw forward.

Maybe everyone's amount of movement is different.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:02 pm
by jennielee81
Carly58 wrote:Hey thanks for your comments.

I tried taking pictures, but they just come out blurry. Maybe I don't have a good enough camera. It's a digital. I can't use the flash because it's way too bright and if I get to close it's blurry. Farther away you can't see enough. What type do you use?
Maybe everyone's amount of movement is different.
My camera is nothing special so I take the picture outside to get good lighting and I set the camera on MACRO. Then after I download it, I crop it to my teeth. I usually get most of my face in the picture but the crop tool takes care of editing ME out of the pix.

Good luck!

To answer the movement question: For me I had begun to notice movement at about 3 weeks. It was very obvious at 8 weeks.

Be patient. It WILL happen :D

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:14 pm
by Carly58
Thanks Jennielee,

OOOHHH That's how you do it. :idea: Cropping them...didn't even think of that. The camera is new to me, so this is all different.

I'll try it tonight.