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Impatient! (unrealistic expectations)

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:17 pm
by weird_wired
I realise this is totally ludicrous, but part of me - a tiny, stupid, delusion part - was hoping to see near perfect results after just a few days. Or at least some definite movement ;)

The sensisible part of me knows that this is a process that takes months and years, but somehow I'm still a tiny bit disappointed.

Anyone else as dumb and delusional as me, who hoped for a magic instant miracle?!

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:51 pm
by johnnys_angel
I definitely had the same unrealistic first. Then after I got used to my braces and basically forgot about them, one day my mother commented on how straight my teeth were getting. I didn't believe her, so I ran to the nearest mirror to check, and sure enough, they had moved a TON! Your teeth may be moving faster than you think, you might not realize it because you see your teeth many times a day. Hang in there! The time goes faster than you originally think.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:22 am
by weird_wired
That's great! How long had your braces been on when your mother noticed the results?

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:16 am
by MadeIn1984
I went into this process not expecting immediate results, however, the process has flown by rather quickly for me. I cannot believe the amount of movement that has occured in 3 months. Here, I'll even provide some Before & After photos! :D:

Before - July 30th, 2005 - This is one week after being braced. My teeth actually got a little worse before they started shifting into their new positions.


After - October 20th, 2005 - *Just* under the 3 month mark when I took this photo. Lots of change. I never expected this much so soon.


Suffice it to say, don't preoccupy yourself with your teeth shifting so soon! It'll be like watching grass grow! It's a process that takes time. I'm sure things'll start picking up. For the first month I saw nearly no shifting of my teeth at all and then -*BAM!!!*- things started to move after that pretty quickly. Taking weekly photos of your teeth can really show the progress you've made. :D

Good luck with everything! And have some patience. :wink:

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 2:15 pm
by hannah164
Hey weird wired!
I wish my teeth would move! The gap I had when I first got my braces went away very fast but after that like nothing happened! I'm finally gettin' bottom braces after 1.5 years! Hopefully I'll get some movement then!
Good luck to you!



Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 3:34 pm
by weird_wired
MadeIn1984 - that is INCREDIBLE progress! Your teeth are looking superb.

What I'm finding strange is that my teeth are more sore on the "good" side of my mouth (eg the teeth that don't need to move much, if at all). Whereas the other side where they are sort of squooshed in and need to be moved out quite some way, they aren't feeling much at all.

But I know it all happens bit by bit. My granny always told me I needed to be more patient.

Hannah - good luck to you too - and hopefully my granny's patience will be with both of us! ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:56 pm
by littleshaddies
I didn't notice movement in my first four weeks but the wire got trimed so, hey something must have moved!
Also, i now and agan feel like tooth or two want to come off (no pain), weird feeling so I think something most be moving.
I love statistics ( if i can spell it, we need spelling check here, or have we got one I can't find?), and they say teeth move 1mm a month, so they must be moving.

Slowly, slowly but safely. :-1

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:38 pm
by johnnys_angel
weird_wired wrote:That's great! How long had your braces been on when your mother noticed the results?
It was only about 2 or 3 months.