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So I got this new thing yesterday.....

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:00 pm
by mtbrncofn
I was in yesterday for a dreaded adjustment. At my previous appointment, my assistant told me that I would have my biggest wire put in the next visit. I was cringing because the one before that just about killed me.

I got there all prepared for the worst when the asst. told me it was going to be a simple appt. I told her I was surprised and explained that I had just had a lig change last time and was supposed to getting this new horrendous wire. She checked, someone forgot to write what happened last visit down, and said I was right. ( should have kept my big mouth shut. )

I have one slightly rotated canine that has been wire tied for the last 2 months. I never even realized it was rotated til he tied it and told me about it. Apparrently you can't get this new wire if the tooth hasn't rotated enough, which it hadn't. So he put this weird thing on my tooth next to my bracket and wire tied it too. I don't know what it is, but it's gray and he had to wedge it up under my wire and right next to the bracket. It felt like he was going to push the tooth out of my mouth. I am definitely feeling pressure on it now.

Anyone know what this is called or have one?

I'm almost hoping it doesn't do the trick right away either because my next visit is 3 days before Thanksgiving and if I get that new wire, I won't be able to gorge myself because I'll be in so much pain. ( Which could be a good thing )

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 3:59 pm
by mtbrncofn
KK wrote:mtbrncofn that all sounds kinda scary and painful! Is it a rotation wedge that he's placed there to convince the tooth to rotate?

Hope things improve quickly and you can make a decision to phone your ortho's office to get your appointment moved forward or back so that you don't have to deal with that new wire so close to Thanksgiving. Good luck :banana:
Aha! That is what he said it was! Thanks Karen! For the life of me, I couldn't remember what he called it.

I'm hoping it does it's job quickly too. Thanksgiving is my favorite eating holiday!


Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:37 pm
by AustinWired
I had a couple of those wedges in for 6 weeks or so. They weren't bad after the first day or two. Hope they work quickly for you so you can enjoy Thanksgiving! :)

Re: Wedges

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:37 pm
by mtbrncofn
AustinWired wrote:I had a couple of those wedges in for 6 weeks or so. They weren't bad after the first day or two. Hope they work quickly for you so you can enjoy Thanksgiving! :)
I was whining to my brother about how the wedge looked. I have metal braces, with maroon ligs on top and teal on the bottom right now. The wedge is on the top. I was telling him it made it look like I had something stuck in my teeth constantly. He asked, "Oh so it looks like a piece of meat sticking out there?" I told him no, it was gray. He then replied, "Oh so it looks like a ROTTEN piece of meat stuck there!"

Ahaahahahaha. Very funny. Thanks for the support, little bro. :x


Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:16 pm
by AustinWired
Sorry about your brother. Maybe next time you can ask for the clear kind. They switched mine out when they changed my ligs so I always had fresh ones. They do stain a little, but they're not that noticeable.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:01 am
by londonchick
its an anti rotation wedge - i too had one for a few months to rotate a stubborn tooth. The only down side to it was when i had it removed and i had so much tartar behind it it was awful. Then as i had that removed i had a power chain put on so my hygienst couldn't get rid of all the tartar. I now have ligs back again so i should finally be able to get it scraped off.

Oh the joys of a calcium rich saliva. :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:48 am
by mtb_nwbraces
Mtbrncofn – strange thing happened to me yesterday, I do not come to this site as mush as I use to, usually just before appointments just to check out the latest threads. Yesterday I just happen to read this thread just before I went to my appointment. During the appointment the assistant was putting these things on two of my teeth when she said they are wedges and she would explain them to me after she finished. I told no need too I just read about them on this site. It’s kind of cool when you read about something new then go to the Ortho’s office and get them put on.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:23 pm
by mtbrncofn
Cool, mtb!

Londonchick, I clearly remember him calling it a rotation wedge and that is what they keep trying to do with that tooth...rotate it.