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Has your gap closed faster with frenectomy?

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:27 pm
by Qtgirl
Has anyones diastema (gap) closed completly without having a frenectomy done? Im 3 months into braces and my space between my two front teeth has closed up a bit- but not completely. Maybe I need to be more patient. :roll: Im thinking of forking over the cash to get the frenectomy done. Just wanted to know what everyone elses treatment was going.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:44 pm
by Shelby014
me and you are in the same boat chick, i havent had my frenectomy yet though, my ortho says that i might not even have to have one, but i have had my braces on for about a month and it hasnt closed any, but i'm guessing that it will take longer to close a space in between ur two front teeth, because if you like me have had it all of your life, i have had mine since my baby teeth came in, and it stayed the same when i got my permanents, i just hope that i wont have to have surgery, but there are never any guarantees. Is there a power thread on your four front teeth? I have one, and it has helped with the gap some, but not very much, i think that i'm going to have to get a powerchain next time to help shut the gap, and mine is quite large. I suspect that it would take upwards of 6 months to close a gap, especially if it is a large one.
hope this helps!!

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:01 pm
by doglover1395
Before braces, a big problem that I had was large spaces between my teeth (especially my 2 front teeth) I had this since my teeth grew in. I was surprises because without a frenectomy they quickly closed in less than a month. These gaps have stayed closed and my ortho hasn't mentioned a frenectomy so I'm assuming that I don't need one. I do have other large gaps that my ortho is attempting to close with closing loops. They have not worked at all though. I wonder what they do if they can't close gaps? With you it sounds like it should work especially since you said that it was closing a little. Goodluck and I hope your gaps close!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:06 am
by mackenzie
I had a frenectomy when I was little and my ortho said it might make the little gap between my front teeth not close because of scar tissue. I'm not that concerned about it since you have to really look to notice the gap.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:25 pm
by Grapefruit

Yea, mine closed before because they used powerchains. My gap wasn't really big either, maybe like half a cm or 1 cm, I'm just guessing but it was just like a slit. nothing big.

My gap closed entirely after the procedure, like they don't need to use powerchains or anything.

My ortho told me that its the muscle, not my teeth that are causing the gap, so she said that if I don't get the surgery, then the gap can open up again wen I get them removed...I don't want that! So I was lik, "sign me up!"

are they using powerchains for you? How large is your gap?

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:33 pm
by mtbrncofn
I thought you were planning to have the frenectomy, QT? Mine won't be done until a couple of months before my braces come off, or so my ortho told me at the very beginning of my treatment. He hasn't mentioned anything about it.

My biggest and most noticeable gap in the front, of course, hasn't done hardly anything at all. I was wondering the same thing too, if the frenectomy would speed things up. I guess I should be more patient too, but its generally not a virtue of mine. I almost begged for a powerchain just to see that thing do SOMETHING! He calmly told me that it just wasn't time for that yet. :x

I think I will make a note to myself to ask about it the next time I am in.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:02 pm
by Qtgirl
Yes, I had it all my life , and I have the powerchains in. Actually this is my second powerchain- the ortho was changing em every week until she had an emergency and is not there for a while, so Ive been in my baby blue powerchains for a month now :lol: Doglover1395 thanks I hope they do close faster. Now that Im thinking of it, mayb its my lil powerchains that need changing. I had my gap measurement, but I need to search for it in my past posts. It was rather large to me. Mtbrncofn, yep Im still planning to get the frenectomy done. I was hoping that doing it now would close up my gap faster vs just waiting a while (and using the money for something else :lol: ) I wonder if that lil flesh in the middle is stopping my teeth from closing in? Im being charged $245 at one place and then $500 at the next place for the frenectomy :shock:

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:28 pm
by mtbrncofn
Qtgirl wrote:Yes, I had it all my life , and I have the powerchains in. Actually this is my second powerchain- the ortho was changing em every week until she had an emergency and is not there for a while, so Ive been in my baby blue powerchains for a month now :lol: Doglover1395 thanks I hope they do close faster. Now that Im thinking of it, mayb its my lil powerchains that need changing. I had my gap measurement, but I need to search for it in my past posts. It was rather large to me. Mtbrncofn, yep Im still planning to get the frenectomy done. I was hoping that doing it now would close up my gap faster vs just waiting a while (and using the money for something else :lol: ) I wonder if that lil flesh in the middle is stopping my teeth from closing in? Im being charged $245 at one place and then $500 at the next place for the frenectomy :shock:
I am of the opinion that is a big reason for the gap. I was talking to a gal who had a gap as a child, and her dentist must have noticed that her frenum was larger than normal. She was young, 8 or so. Her parents had the frenectomy done and she said that it closed on its own after that. I always wonder now if that's why I have mine too, and if it could have been avoided if I'd had that done at a young age.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:27 pm
by Validone
My frenum was causing my teeth to hurt as it was squeezing the tissue. I had the surgery and now my teeth are completely closed in the middle. Almost out of braces have around 2 months left. PTL

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:20 pm
by mtbrncofn
Validone wrote:My frenum was causing my teeth to hurt as it was squeezing the tissue. I had the surgery and now my teeth are completely closed in the middle. Almost out of braces have around 2 months left. PTL
So how bad was it? And if you don't mind, what did you pay to have it done?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:16 pm
by debonairdenise
I have a large gap between my two front teeth. I have had braces for 5 months now and the gap is taking forever to close. I have had this gap all my life. It was much smaller when I was a child, but it has grown over the years. I recently had a powerchain put on for the first time. Ouch! The power chain is supposed to close up the gap. My dentist said that it should take atleast 4 months to close. I will have a frenectomy at the end of my treatment. If I don't go through with the surgery my gap will reopen.

I can't wait until the day comes when I can run my tongue across my teeth and not feel a space.


Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:35 pm
by calley03
My frenectomy will not be done until closer to my braces being taken off. I have been told that currently it costs $230.00 through my general dentist. I was checking into having it done now but my ortho said maybe in a year or so.