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I can't take these canker sores anymore

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:32 pm
by Aradia252
I can deal with a lot of things. The pain of braces is nothing to me... and I actually think the WORST part of braces are the canker sores. I hadn't had any for a while, but ever since I got my bottom braces on, my mouth has been a nonstop canker sore convention. I feel like I've tried everything... I started rinsing with salt water, I'm using biotene mouthwash, and I've tried two canker sore medicines: Kank-A and Orabase soothe & seal. The Kank-A BURNS when it goes on and the Orabase seal falls of after an hour or so. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I would REALLY appreciate it, I will try anything at this point!!

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:39 pm
by 2oldtocare
Couple of things to try....Colgate Peroxyl mouthwash, helps the hurt and Oral-B Rembrandt Anti-canker sore toothpaste, prevents the sore in the first place. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:49 pm
by Nikkiekoala
The Colgate Peroxyl does work but it tastes and feels like you are swishing with pepto bismal. Yuck. At least it does work.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:15 pm
by OneBluCrayon
Im not sure if this will help, but i saw it posted once on these forums.

Dab a bit of toothpaste on the canker sore and it should feel better!

Its a little odd i know, but i tried it once (I use listerine toothpaste though) and it did help a little. Maybe something normal, like crest, would work better...

Just a thought.... :)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:25 pm
by S_Ranger
Are you letting the medicine 'soak in' sorta speak? Get a q-tip and dry off the saliva on the infected area. Then apply the orabase or w/e treatment you are using and apply. Hold you lip out so the medicine can do it's work and so the salive won't spread it everywhere.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:56 pm
by KittyW
Products with sodium laureth sulfate irritate and can cause canker sores. That includes most toothpastes, except for the Rembrandt canker sore toothpaste and Biotene toothpaste.

So, try one of the non-sodium laureth sulfate toothpastes, the Peroxyl and also get some L-Lysine supplements at GNC or Walmart. It will help cankers from showing up and lessen the time they stay in your mouth.

Good luck!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:39 pm
by Aradia252
KittyW wrote:Products with sodium laureth sulfate irritate and can cause canker sores. That includes most toothpastes, except for the Rembrandt canker sore toothpaste and Biotene toothpaste.
I had used the Biotene toothpaste for a while, but I just really didn't like it. I felt like it wasn't doing anything since it doesn't foam, and I went through the tubes so fast!! I hadn't tried the tums though... And I don't think putting toothpaste on the sores would help because I use a gel and just thinking about putting a gel on them makes me cringe. Thanks for all the suggestions guys!!! :D

On this subject...

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:23 pm
by DizzyKitty
I do find the Peroxyl stuff works great for the ones on the insides of my pretty much gone the next morning...and wax is great on the brackets.

I have a canker issue now but wax is not an option. My one tooth next to my upper front tooth was bracketed then it popped off. A different ortho than I usually see took it off but the wire, which was pulled back since the tooth sits back for now, now is protruding (like it's got extra slack). my upper lip rests conveniently on the wire so that it has created an indentation in my lip. If my mouth dries out at all, the wire is actually stuck to my lip and hurts when I pry it off.

I cannot wax a wire w/ no bracket to stick to and my lip rubs over this wire repeatedly when I talk, eat, smile,'s on my last nerve cos it hurts so bad...even water going across it stings like nobody's business and eating soft things where you have to close your lips onto a spoon? OMG, forget about it.

I don't go in for my adjustment until mid December so I am not too thrilled with dealing with this for 1 1/2 more months...I would think at that time, they will pull that wire tighter hopefully (it didn't bother me while it was attached to the bracket...I didn't even lisp then). I tried to push the wire back toward the teeth hoping it would bend but no, it popped right back out...didn't realize they were so strong LOL :?

Help? Should I call my office and ask them...I was trying to "tough it out".

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 9:45 am
by DizzyKitty
Thanks KK! I will do that today...just didn't want to seem like a baby about it, u know?

I also read the other post with someone having a similar problem and people suggesting plastic tubing they can put on so I'm gonna ask about that. Thanks! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 1:56 pm
by DizzyKitty
I got in today and they put a coil over the bare wire and it feels much much better.

She changed my ligs since they changed the wire and they were faded (in 3 weeks? jeez) so I got to pick a new color (red) which was cool but she did an adjustment of sorts so my mouth is sore again now LOL me and my big mouth :roll:

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:21 pm
by jennielee81
2oldtocare wrote:Couple of things to try....Colgate Peroxyl mouthwash, helps the hurt and Oral-B Rembrandt Anti-canker sore toothpaste, prevents the sore in the first place. :)
I agree with this one! I have suffered my whole life but haven't had one single since I started using this toothpaste. The CVS in my town sells it or you can order it online from

PLEASE realize that this will NOT heal the ones you have!!!! It will prevent any future sores from occuring.

You will still get raw spots, but they WILL NOT become canker sores!

DON'T put toothpaste on them!!!! The toothpaste is the reason you get them!!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:53 pm
by medictrina
I'v found the Colgate Peroxyl mouthwash really cuts down the amount of time I need to endure a canker sore. One of my brackets keep snaging my lip and making the sore worse. Lots and Lots of wax baby!

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:03 pm
by Lala7603
i know all about canker sores and all. I have 5 right now....and i havent had braces on in almost a year. i just deal with it. when i had braces, wax provided the best help.
