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How long before I'm used to these braces?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:01 am
by alksutherland
I got only my top braces about two and a half weeks ago. I was orginally concerned about how they would look, but now I'm consumed by how they feel. Not only does it feel like I have a hub cap in my mouth, but I feel pressure on my face as if I have a sinus infection. I've had to take a nap nearly every day. Luckily, I have very little mouth pain, but I'm so uncomfortable. I don't feel like eating or talking, which is bringing me down.

This has been far more difficult than I was lead to believe, and had I known, I would have held off. I have some tough decisions to make in the months ahead and being this uncomfortable is, at the least, really distracting.

How long does it typically take people to get used to braces, if they ever do? The orthodontist said I would get used to the braces, like wearing a ring. Was he feeding me a line? Is this is good as it gets? I ask because I'm seriously considering having them taken back off. I can't see making it through the year. The TMJ was a breeze compared to the braces.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:04 am
by cookie
I took about 3 weeks to get used to having my braces in (like you I got braced top only first). At first it felt really weird - I remember after a night out (where i had a bit too much to drink) I woke up the next morning, and I just didn't feel right at all. It was weird, I felt like I do when Iwear my glasses instead of contacts, and they slip down my nose, so I push them back up again, but with my braces there was nothing I could do (does that make sense at all :? :lol: ), but all of a sudden they just feel normal, and I have a feeling my mouth will feel really strange for a while when they finally come off.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:23 pm
by Geri
Hi alksutherland! I can understand how you feel. It took me two weeks to get used to my uppers and now I am going through the adjustment process again with my lowers. It's not fun but I know it will get better and the day will come when I won't give them much of a thought (I can't see the day where I will ever forget all about them but you never know)! :) So that's the long way of saying, hang in there! Good luck!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 3:43 pm
by gracie381
I'd say it took me about 2 weeks to start to get used to mine. I have had mine on now for almost a month and I hardly notice them now, except when I eat. What a headache :roll: I have both uppers and lowers, so I started with a bang. I have had no real pain. My teeth seem to ache some on different days. Sometimes I feel one or two teeth that are a little sensitive and then it switches to two different teeth. Oh well, my first adjustment is next Tuesday! We'll see what I have to complain about then. It gets better though I promise.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:29 pm
Hi Alk, I wish i was like the other posters here, but i'm 4 months in and I'm still not used to them. It still feels like i have "hub caps" in my mouth and i'm bothered by sinus problems also. I'm still waiting to get used to them like it seems everyone else already has. There is nothing you can do but hope it happens soon. :x

Thanks for the response

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:37 pm
by alksutherland
It's the braces themselves that bother me. I've adjusted pretty quickly to how they look, which was a surprise.

I appreciate all your responses and your candor. I feel my orthodontist misrepresented how uncomfortable the braces would be, and certainly didn't warn me about the initial adjustment. If he had, I would have put braces off a month if I had known. I had to go over the copy-edited manuscript of my book with my mind totally distracted by my mouth. I've also been worn down some by my TMJ, so I wasn't in a good frame of mind to become more uncomfortable.

I'll keep my fingers cross and hope life with braces improves.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:26 pm
by BraceFaceBarbie
I felt the same way the moment I got them on, I was thinking to myself: "what the *%#@ did I do to myself?!!"
Hang in there! It'll get better. I am on my third week (going into week 4) and I am finally now unaware of them. Trust me, the sooner you get braces on the better.
Braces now are so much more accepted then they were years ago. I have had so many people comment on them in a positive way-some are even envious of me! And I see so many adults with them!
And you know what? No one really cares-everybody in this country gets braces. People see you and go "oh, you have braces" and then move on-they aren't focused on your teeth.
So, you'll get through it. Time goes by so fast. And, you will get used to them.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:27 pm
by Rebraced
Yes, you will difinitely get used to them in a few weeks. I don't even notice them anymore unless I am eating as they are part of me. Some days though it seems things are moving and aching and other days noting at all. I go for my first adjustment next Tues. so I am sure I will feel them for a week or so. It is suprising how many people don't even notice.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:10 pm
by Eleni
Honestly, it took 3 months for me to get used to them, and more importantly come to terms with them. Everyone has a different tolerance level.