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bottoms only?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:41 pm
by Jeneva
So i tried to search this - to no avail... My dentist mentioned during a cleaning last January that she didn't like the way one of my bottom lateral incisors was shifting. I always called in my "bulldog tooth" as it has been pushed infront of the neighboring central incisor. It does get in the way from time to time, and i do have the tendency of having a canker sore in that spot of my mouth from that tooth (i suppose). Anyhow - I told her I would keep an eye on it. During my July cleaning she didn't really mention it and I forgot to bring it up... anyhow as far as my question:
My top teeth are relatively straight - so if i chose to get this little crowding issue straightened, would thay ortho put braces on my lower teeth only?

Also - i have a hard time cleaning there - plaque tends to build, food gets caught between teeth... should this be a concern and motivation in getting them straightened?

Thanks for any input!

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:33 pm
by LoobyLou
I agree with Lucyloop - rather than putting them on perfectly straight teeth for straightening-up reasons I think they put them on so that when the not-so-straight ones are moving around the ortho can adjust the straight ones to line them up with the newly straightened ones! If that made any sense at all!!!

Good luck!

LoobyLou :)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:22 am
by Jeneva
Thanks for the replies... i kind of had the feeling that that was the answer.