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Need Sympathy

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:36 pm
by Gel
Hey everyone,
I got my four 2nd premolars out yesterday, and I am in pain. My husband has been the biggest sweetheart, but I don't think he understands what i'm going through. My dentist was great with the extractions and all, and he gave me a perscription that made me so ill, I threw up three times in 15 minutes. It was not a fun not. Then to make things worse, I am taking a class to learn how to teach physical education and I got hit in the head with a volleyball. I started to bleed all over again. :? My dentist told me I would be fine to go to all my classes today, but I don't think he wanted that to happed. I stopped taking the meds after one and switched to ibuprofen, it has helped a little, but I'm still in pain. Not the best experience, but everyone I've talked to said that the spacers are worse. I think that this was worse than my bottom two wisdom teeth. What have I gotten myself into? I'm not going to back out though, I wouldn't be able to stand having these gaps in my mouth premanently. I can barely get any solid food down and I hate jello. Will it get better? let's hope so! :roll:

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:13 pm
by hannah164
Gel, I'm so sorry you feel so bad! :cry: I really do hope you feel better soon! I had six teeth pulled not too long ago and I was in pain too! It does get better! I would try eating some broth or soup, mashed potatoes, and other soft foods. Spacers do hurt but not for too long! I only had mine in for 4 days I think. Things will get better!
Good luck! :thumbsup:
Hope you feel better soon! :pinkbraces:

-Hannah :frogbraces:


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:35 pm
by serendipity
Poor thing :cry: - chin up, the actual braces will be a breeze for you after this. Keep your eyes on the prize - It will all be worth it in the end. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:01 pm
by butterfly
Image uh oh doesn't sound so nice. But one thing is sure: Braces are nothing compared to that!!

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:07 pm
by bbsadmin
It will get better.


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:44 am
by summergirl
you poor thing Gel ,Did you try warm salt water it helps to heal faster also makes your mouth feel better to. I can feel your pain many years ago I had my one back tooth pulled by my local dentist should have sent my to a surgon but did not..I was it pain for weeks also got an infection I will never never forget ever.I also threw up because of pain pills no fun at all some of use just can't take that stuff.Now after all those years I am getting braces right now I am wearing a mouth piece to expand my top jaw not fun I can't talk ,just starting to eat spacers are nothing compared to this thing .When I am done with these I am going to ask the ortho for them.Yes when I am done with this 1 I get to wear another one for 2-3 months .sometime in Feb I get my braces on ,that should be a breeze compared to this ..I am hopefull this will and do get better .

Eat chicken broth ,mashed potatoes ,meatloaf ,pastas not sauce butter till you are healed .
Jan :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:32 am
by Al Carter
Gel - I agree that luke warm salty water is the ebst thing for healing your gums. Your mouth will thank you for it. It provides great relief.

if you're feeling so bad - do what I do - take to your sofa - buy some trashy magazines, rent some videos, buy some icecream - there are no calories in icecream eaten under such circumstances - and veg out - you deserve it - by taking care of yourself you'll begin to feel a lot better!

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:50 am
by Gel
Thanks everyone,
I did go home and rest after all my classes and kept up with the ibuprofen. I'm feeling better today and I have been enjoying mashed potatoes and cheesecake, my favorite dessert. I woke up with pain in my bottom jaw, but nothing a little ice a pain reliever can't handle. Thanks again! :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:50 am
by Jodster
I feel your pain!! :cry: I had my 4 pulled just 2 weeks ago, and one week later I had spacers put on the bottom and had my bottom braces put on 48 hours ago. So from one who has had all of this done recently, the spacers are a breeze compared to the pain/suffering after the extractions.

I was feeling more like myself in about 4 days, but soft foods, including milkshakes are your best friend (hey, and it gives you an excuse to eat whatever you want, including cheesecake!! :lol: )

As everyone else said, keep your spirits up. The spacers are easy and the braces take some getting used to, but aren't bad at all!!

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:10 am
by greencapt
And watch out for those volleyballs!!!!!!


Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:16 pm
by Gel
Thanks everyone, my bottom jaw still hurts, is that normal? I sure hope that spacers are easier than those extractions, but they might be just as worse. I hope not! Thanks for all the support, oh and we're done with volleyball and moved on to jump roping.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:57 pm
by Stellar
I hope things keep getting better for you. When I had mine out, I used to alternate between Tylenol and Ibuprophen. That seemed to really help. I have also had leg surgery 5 weeks ago, and have found that alternating meds really helps. It was even suggested by my surgeon. As for the spacers, I found mine to be ...No Big... They just felt like a piece of steak stuck between your teeth occasionally. I had my spacers for 3 weeks too! Keep getting better. We'll be thinking about you! :thumbsup:

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:48 am
by Painfulvanity
Hi, I too have a sensitivity to painkillers. They can make me feel really sick but I have found that if I take a 1/4 or 1/2 of one every three hours or so along with a few ibuprofen them I am okay. Remember to eat before taking them too. While vicoden has helped with pain I think the ibuprofen helped me the most but it doesn't take away the intense pain. That is when I would take small amounts of painkillers.

Hang in there! Hope you are feeling better soon!
