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First Adjustment

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:42 pm
by gracie381
Hey guys, it's been a few days since I've posted. Just thought I'd fill you in on how things are going. I had my first adjustment on Tuesday. It went pretty well, except now they tell me that in about 6 months I could possibly have to have my wisdom teeth removed :cry: Don't think I could go through that. Already had 4 bicuspids extracted. Anyway, he said we wouldn't know for sure until then. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep my helpless little teeth. At my adjustment they noticed that I was still biting down on one of brackets, so good news they took that one off until I go back. Yea! I can finally eat well and Thanksgiving is looking even better now!! My teeth are slowly starting to shift, but they said they were just mainly working on my back bite for now and then they would focus on the straightening of my front ones. So slow is the word for the next four weeks. But hey that's o.k. I have 3 teeth on my bottom free and 2 on both sides of my top. So food here I come. They will probably brace the last couple of top teeth when I go back. As for pain it wasn't bad at all. The bottom teeth hurt the worse. Sorry to ramble, just thought I would update you. I will hopefully have some pics to compare in a couple of days and then I will post them. I'm playing in my high school's alumini basketball game this weekend. Pray I don't get my mouth busted!! Can't stand to wear those big mouth guards!! Talk to you guys soon!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:05 pm
by Rebraced
I just got back from my First adjustment a few hours ago. I was surprised they didn't change the archwire but still were able to cause me some pain. They added a power chain across my top teeth in order to close a small gap that appeared a few weeks ago. I almost jumped out of the chair when she put the power chain on the first tooth. I didn't realize how sensitive some teeth still are.
I am beginning to feel some tightness now as I feel the chain pulling tightly. I almost asked for a colored chain but chickened out since I have clear brackets anyway. My progress is good and the whole brace thing really does not bother me so in a few months I should be good to go.