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Spacers & Expanders

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:39 am
by ssfw
I am suppose to get spacers installed about 1 week prior to a party I will be attending. Do you think I should reschedule the spacer appointment to the day after the party? I have read that the spacers can be very uncomfortable and painful and don't really want to take the chance of being in pain on this special day.

How soon will a gap appear once an expander is installed. Does a gap always appear? How soon will the gap close?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:45 am
by momof2grlz
My spacers weren't that bad after the first 3 or 4 days. You may just not want to try to chew anything really hard. I wouldn't reschedule your appt. You'll probably be fine. If your teeth are a little sore, take some OTC pain reliever before the party.

My daughter's expander gap started to appear after the first week or so. I would think a gap always appears since the expander is widening the palate and creating more room between the teeth, but that's probably a good question for the docs.


Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:32 am
by Brodie
I had an expander, and right week after SARPE surgery I began cranking that bad boy open. It took like a week, until the gap met my Ortho's needs. The gap is as big as a tooth, but nothing hurt while expanding. I personally have had the gap since Feb, and only a couple weeks ago got on a power chain to start closing it. S0 far the process has been slow but I do see a slight improvement. Rumor has that it takes roughly 2 months to close, but each person is different. Maybe it's just me but nothing has really hurt..I keep expecting pain when I got to the ortho, but nothing.


Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:35 pm
by noppi
I got spacers on Friday. Friday was okay. Saturday a little bit more sore. Sunday even more, and today (Monday) has been the sorest so far.
But you probably will be fine if the party is within a day or two of getting spacers. Advil will kick in pretty fast for those days. I notice an effect within 20 minutes. But now, I think I have to up my dosage.

Re: Ouchies

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:06 pm
by ssfw
Noppi, thanks for the info.

I hope you are feeling better.

My spacers appt. is scheduled 1 week prior to the party. Can you let me know how you feel after 1 week?


noppi wrote:I got spacers on Friday. Friday was okay. Saturday a little bit more sore. Sunday even more, and today (Monday) has been the sorest so far.
But you probably will be fine if the party is within a day or two of getting spacers. Advil will kick in pretty fast for those days. I notice an effect within 20 minutes. But now, I think I have to up my dosage.

Spacers and party

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:37 am
by Painfulvanity
Spacers were very painful for me for several days. My teeth are tight so there wasn't a lot of room so maybe it was worse for me. They were a constant distraction for at least a few days if not longer but it did get better.

It could interfere with your having fun at the party so given my experience I would not have wanted them in at a party.

Good luck!

Better today

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:12 pm
by noppi
Today is Day 5 of spacers. It's a lot more bearable than yesterday but I still feel a pulsating in my gums. I guess that's throbbing or something. Just annoying. Not really pain though. Eating is still a lil tough. I think it really depends on your teeth. My teeth are pretty nicely packed, wasn't really crowded, but not ample space either. My two front teeth are kind of tight to begin with, with the two teeth next to it. I feel a lot of irritation there because the spacers are pushing my teeth forward, but there's no where to go. =( I want to get them off soon. They're getting pretty annoying...Monday...Monday...

Re: Spacers and party

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:41 pm
by ssfw
Thanks for the info. I hope you are feeling better and not in much discomfort.

Painfulvanity wrote:Spacers were very painful for me for several days. My teeth are tight so there wasn't a lot of room so maybe it was worse for me. They were a constant distraction for at least a few days if not longer but it did get better.

It could interfere with your having fun at the party so given my experience I would not have wanted them in at a party.

Good luck!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:52 am
by Gel
I would definately reschedule. I thought my extractions hurt, but the spacers make them feel like a day in the park!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:37 am
by Jodster
Honestly, spacers are a breeze!! I had them for a week at a time twice, since I had bottoms and tops put on at different time. They just feel like you have something stuck between your teeth (and no, not like a log is between them--just a piece of steak). And I had tight spaces, so they had to really stretch to get them in place.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 3:32 pm
by kkalex
I didn't think that they hurt at all, but i guess it depends on your individual case. Mine didn't hurt at all until i tried to eat about 5 mins after i got them in. Then it was only a little sore. Now i am on day 5 (get them out 2morrow) and i still have no pain. i dont see whats so bad abt them.