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This is way way worse than I thought it would be

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:44 am
by Tertia
Perhaps I am just a big wimp, but omg, this hurts like hell!

I feel like telling them to take the braces off.

I had braces put on my lower teeth this morning. I can't possibly see how any one can function like this?

My poor inside of my mouth - the (ceramic) braces are so sharp.

I elected to have braces, because my lower teeth are really crowded, but now i am thinking I have made a huge mistake, it is just so uncomfortable painful. How on earth am I going to eat?

I am seriously considering having them removed.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:54 am
by littleshaddies
Hang in there! The irritation will lasts couple of days but wax can help a little. The pain goes away too. Listen to me talking, I said exactly the same like you and I was tempted to cut the wire on the first night. Get strong painkillers and eat soft food for few days.
It will get better :-1

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:58 am
by walks
I was also surprised at how sharp and rough all of that hardware is in the mouth. However, after just a couple of days, I almost can forget that the braces are there.....almost.... :) My teeth are still sore but getting much better. I can almost eat normally....almost.... :) :) :)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:16 am
by Tertia
Thanks all

I am so surprised at how sharp and rough every thing is. I can't believe that they expect you to walk around like this for a year or longer.

Are the metal brackets smoother and flatter than the ceramics? Will it make a difference if I change to metal?

I can't see how the inside of my mouth is ever going to get used to this.

I feel like a big baby, but it's been such a shock to my system. I feel almost spaced out. And very down.

The only thing preventing me from telling them to remove the brackets is that I've had a tooth extracted, and the gap will look funny.

I think I've made a big mistake, and I can't fix it.

Sorry to sound so woe is me, I can't believe how much this has completely floored me. I had no idea.

(37 yrs old!!)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:02 am
by greencapt

Much sympathy out to you. If having braces at age 34 has taught me anything its that, at the start, you are allowed to be a big wimp! Enjoy the wimpness... because in a few short days/weeks you'll have nigh forgotten most of it! Yeah the aggravation will come and go as will the pain- but it is worth it! Heck, just look at my pics in this thread:


I NEVER thought that the callouses, the sores, the pokes, the difficulty eating, etc would ever get me to this point. But the pain is gone (or at least I'm used to it when it is here) and the smile lives on.

But live it up now!!! EAT that enormous 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' mound of mashed potatoes!!! Drink like a fish and dance like no one is watching!!!! And if all else fails- come here and complain about it- I sure as heck did (read some of my posts from earlier this year!). At least WE understand you.


Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:24 am
by KJM
Tertia- I think amost everyone here can relate and sympathize with you. One thing to keep in mind is if the pain and discomfort didnt subside, none of us would have keep these blasted things on! :)

I remember feeling "shocked" at how bad they felt ( and I had read through all the posts on here so I already knew what to expect) and thinking I would NEVER get used to them.... but alas, everyone was right and within a few weeks they were not painful anymore, my cheeks felt better and I could eat somewhat normally. I am still very aware they are there still, and occasionally have a sore spot here and there but nothing like the first days.

Just remember that there is no shame in using as much wax as you need to, and I used Biotene every night to help with the soreness ( it is very soothing) I popped the Advil Liquid Gels every 6 hours and little by little things were better. Hang in there and when you need to vent we are here for you!!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:28 am
by Jodster
TERTIA--I FEEL YOUR PAIN!! I had my bottoms put on (ceramic uppers, metal lowers) a week ago and I am still suffering, but getting by!! I have gone through an inordinate amount of wax, and it is a MOUTH SAVER!! If you get sores, Peroxyl mouth rinse is a great thing too.

I have been on a soup and cream of wheat diet for about 5 days, and the good thing about this is that I am now down 7 pounds!!

The people on this forum are very empathetic and have gone through our pain. Don't give up, and step away from the wire cutters! :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:04 pm
by weird_wired
I feel your pain too!

But you will be amazed how quickly the inside of your mouth gets used to the brackets, even if the rest of you takes longer (eg your brain - to forget they're there).

They may get a little worse before they get better - about Day Three I had a bit of a scratched/bruised/very swollen thing going with one side of my top lip, but it soon got better, and I didn't use wax for more than five days.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:10 pm
by AustinWired
IT WILL GET BETTER!!! Take our words for it. Reading your post brought me back to my first post on here after I bawled my eyes out for 5 hours straight on my first day in braces. I actually started crying in the chair at the ortho's office while thinking "WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MYSELF?!"

Believe it or not, you will get used to the ceramic brackets. I remember that my first thought was that it didn't even feel like teeth anymore- more like having a mouthful of rocks. I am SO glad that feeling went away after a week or so.

You're gonna be fine. And before you know it, your ortho will be talking about the day they're coming off! (My tentative date is coming up on the 30th!) Take care, eat lots of soup and yogurt for the next week or so, enjoy the unintentional weight loss, and carry a bottle of ibuprofen with you on adjustment days. You'll be looking and feeling great in no time!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:18 pm
by bbsadmin
I think we all had "buyer's remorse" and wanted to rip them off our teeth during the first week. Like I say in the ArchWired "Braces 101" articles, it's like getting hit in the teeth with a baseball.

But, like everyone else said, it gets better. Wax does help. The sores will go away. It may be hard to believe right now, but in a month or two, you'll forget you're wearing them. Just take it one day at a time and eat really soft food for a week or two.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:21 am
by library lady

Everyone here is right! After two weeks in my new metal lowers, I really do not have any pain. The first week was a nightmare!! Slowly, I healed. However,I am much more aware of the metal lowers than my ceramic uppers. I don't know if that feeling will change with time, but I "like" my ceramic uppers much better at this point in my treatment.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:49 am
by fins
I remember well my first day in braces and it took about 5 days to feel a bit better. You might have very little pain during your treatment or you might have days where you need some advil to get through it. It is all worth it in the end. When you have those sore teeth days just stock up on soft foods. I always felt better when I stopped trying to eat normally and just gave my poor teeth a break when things really hurt. Some folks find chewing helps them but I found it just hurt more. Good luck.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 3:09 pm
by Traffic
You're not even going to notice them soon.

We've all gone through it though, hang in there.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:24 pm
by Chocoholic

Don't panic it does get alot easier for sure. I remember thinking what the heck have I done, when I first got my braces on. But now 6 months down the line I barely notice them. Ceramics can be big on the bottom, that's why I only have them on top and metal on the bottom, they fit better on the smaller teeth.

Good Luck :D