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Wisdom teeth extraction while sick?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 7:08 am
by amychelle
I Posted this in the Ask the Doc forum but I wanted to know if you guys knew anything...

The past two days I have not felt so good, but not SICK. (My throat feels bad and my ears hurt and I have a runny nose but not stopped up.)

My concern is that I am scheduled to have my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow morning. All four, pull two and cut two. Is this something I should be concerned about? Will me being "sick" have any negative effects? I really don't need to reschedule because it is very rare that I would be able to have four days in a row off. I can deal with the double discomfort, I just don't want to "infect" anything in there. :soremouth:

Any ideas?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:55 am
by littleshaddies
I don't think it should be a problem. You will not like it tho. I had cold just going away when I had my extractions. I was feeling poorly still and on top of that the non eating thing, the still keeping up with work, worst time ever.
If you are scared about tho, I am sure you can ask the dentist for amoxycilin just to be on the safe side.
Hope it goes ok and don't drink with a straw! :-1

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:09 pm
by naomi
I had my wisdom teeth out a few weeks ago. The oral surgeon specifically told me if I had a sore throat or was feeling sick prior to the day I was to get my teeth out, I should call their office.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:00 pm
by aussierob
Wisdom teeth extraction can be very unpleasant, my advice is postpone until you feel 100% over the cold/flu/sickness because you really don't want anything making it worse than it needs to be.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:31 pm
by bethne3
I would agree with the last person who replied. I would wait until you feel 100%.
I just had all four of mine removed on Monday and I couldn't imagine going through it if I was not feeling well.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:58 pm
by alexa
I had two teeth pulled while I had the flu...throwing up when you have just had teeth pulled...really not advisable. :yuck: