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So I took the old wire home...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:11 am
by weird_wired
...and have been having so much fun playing round with it!

Like it says in all the FAQs, the metal it is made from really is a magical material. You can fold it, try to put a crease in it, yet it springs back to its original perfect arch. Even tie a knot in it - back it springs!

I also did some experiments putting it in hot and cold water. It is SO much more flexible when cold! I held it under the tap and kind of wiggled it around, the difference between hot and cold is amazing!

And so weird... because you learn at school how metals generally get *more* flexible when hot.

Anyway I twisted it into a loop and I am currently wearing it as a ring. I might get beads for it and make the front of a necklace with it.

Re: So I took the old wire home...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:04 am
by Jean
weird_wired wrote:Anyway I twisted it into a loop and I am currently wearing it as a ring. I might get beads for it and make the front of a necklace with it.
Bwahahaha! What a fun idea. :-*


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:46 am
by butterfly
This is amazing :) I want one too!

I found this on the web:
Perhaps the most interesting use is a shirt woven from nylon fibers with Nitinol wires interspersed. When balled up for packing, it can be unwrinkled with a blast from a hair drier. And when the wearer's body temperature rises, the shirt's sleeves automatically get shorter. It only costs, of course, a modest four thousand dollars.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:20 pm
by Gable74
So i wonder what determines its original shape? Does it have to be manipulated at extremely high temperature? I understand the whole "memory metal" theory, but i wonder how it gets its original shape at the onset.

Hey butterfly, they removed our other thread for some reason.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:20 pm
by tkais
That's way cool! I'm going to ask my ortho for my wire next time he changes it!

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:50 pm
by mtbrncofn
That is hysterical! I must remember to ask my ortho for my discarded wire on Monday.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 5:27 pm
by Shelby014
i think that i would feel quite odd asking for my wire......i think that i would feel kind of stupid having to explain why i want it, cuz i definetely know that they would ask why on earth i would want a little metal wire that had been in my mouth for two months.....LOL

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:42 pm
by Mona0922
I have to admit that I've been wondering from the get-go why this metal seems to be the opposite of everything I've ever heard about metal. There have even been some discussions at work about it (basically, they think I've been lied to that it is less flexible at warmer temperatures). I just may follow your lead next time my wires are switched out.

Thanks for the idea, weird!

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:02 pm
by weird_wired
Maybe we could recoup the cost of our orthodontic treatment by selling our old wires to the fetishists like the notorious used-panty-vending machines in Japan?!

(only joking, I don't want to encourage those freaks any more, after being pm-ed by one such creep).