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braCES ON front crowns--2 with root canals

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:21 am
by Whitney
I am a newbie and initially posted under the Doc section
After being bulimic for much of my adult like, I basically had to have my four front teeth crowned--two having had root canals from an accident. Although they were a bit big--to cover a gap, and long--hence an overjet, I was fairly content for a few years BUT I was also a thumbucker (which kills me to admit) and the crowns have shifted out so now I have two BIG, buck teeth with crowns.
My dentist said that it was the best crown work he could do under the conditions. I went to an orthodontist and he (to my surprise) said that he could indeed fix things with braces. He said I may have to have new crowns after but perhaps he could slenderize somewhat.
My main concern is that my teeth will actually become loose and fall out from the braces. I am soooooo unhappy currently so I do not know if I should just take the plunge and see what happens.
Can anyone share experiences with this??? The "not a major problem" from the orthodontist seems a bit undercautious...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:34 pm
by mtb_nwbraces
Whitney I too had the buck teeth and I had a root canal done on one of them over twenty five years ago. Like you I was very concerned that something would happen to that tooth if I had it moved when I got my teeth straightened. I have a total of 3 root canals and 4 crowns. Of the four crowns I was told that 2 of them will need to be replaced when I am done with the braces.

The thing that I had noticed is the front tooth with the root canal has never been loose like my other teeth. To date it has moved more then I thought it was every going to move with no problems. I had the adjoining front tooth slenderized last months and the crown reshaped so I no longer have the big buck teeth.

Now that I am heading into the last 6 months in braces I find all the concerns I had were really missed placed. All my crowns and root canals moved and they gave me no problems. I do not think you have too much to worry about. I think your front teeth will move and you’ll be very surprised at how easily they will move, and at how much better they will look in the end.


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:34 pm
by Whitney
for the advice and encouragement. I find that my teeth have shifted out even more. My biggest fear is that I won't be able to close my lips when they finally go on!!! They said it was Class 2 overbite. I am getting ceramic uppers and metal lowers.