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Is It All As Bad As You Thought?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:06 pm
by serendipity
Okay, So I just have a question for everyone :) Do you think that having braces was as bad as you orginally thought or heard about? I've only been in braces a couple of weeks so I might change my mind later on but it seems like it's not the end of the world as I so thought before. I don't find it that bigger deal socially or appearance wise either - which is really strange for me. You have your days when you feeling down and need a vent but I think that when you look in the mirror and see those changes it's totally worth it. :D

Anyways what are your thoughts? :idea:


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:20 pm
by hannah164
I just got my bottom braces on yesterday! Man I'm having such a total braces low right now! My teeth hurt so bad, worse than I ever thought! :shock: They put powerchains on my lowers to close extraction gaps and they attached a new bracket on top and a new wire on top! :( Because of my bottom braces only my front two teeth touch my bottom teeth! Nothing in the back touches! I have no idea how I'm ever going to chew again!

I tried flossing last night and it hurt so bad I could hardly get through it without crying my teeth were so close and sore!

My smile looks so much worse now and its so embarrassing! WHen I close my mouth it looks like I'm pouting! My bottom teeth it seems are really tilted inwards making it almost like I have an underbite. :?

Sorry, I guess I just needed to vent. I'm not sure if I can make it like this for another 2 years at least! :cry: Usually my braces don't bother me but right now they definitely are! Sorry for being so negative!



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:28 pm
by SweetSheena

Well, actually I do have my days as to where I wish I could just not have the braces. But I think that they are cute! But When my time is up, I know that I will be excited about the whole removal. I have had mine about a month and 5 days but me and my sister are going through the process together and she has the biggest change. My bite and I have a few teeth out of line but I just notice very little change. But I uderstand how u feel but its okay!

Re: Is It All As Bad As You Thought?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:51 pm
by Shagers
serendipity wrote:Anyways what are your thoughts? :idea:
Definitely not as bad as what I thought, or what I heard about. I think on reflection I had some bad experiences as a kid at Dentists which put me off the whole thing, plus I'm one of those typical blokes that says "Nup, not going to the doctor, she'll be right", to my own detriment.

I have bad moments like everybody does, but it's definitely not the end of the world. Overall, it's OK.

I'm finding it a big deal socially, but it's all in my head. I've gone back into my shell a bit, I tend to go out less, more shy, hate meeting new people, stuff like that.

Despite the fact I don't really like how I look at the pictures later, I'm smiling in photos, whereas pre-braced it was always mouth closed. Weird. Maybe subconsciously (sp?) I'm starting to like it, or maybe I'm getting in some practice for when they come off - Who knows! I do have the urge to airbrush them out of some pictures, but I'm resisting...

I'm enjoying the changes lots. I'm taking pictures. I'm even sticking rulers in my mouth occasionally and comparing them to my moulds, and bouncing off the walls like a schoolgirl afterwards. That's the fun bit. One day, I'll, like, grow up... :roll:

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 5:44 pm
by drazda
I hate to say it, but they are worse than I thought. I only thought my teeth would hurt, I had no idea about the scraping and the wax.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:10 pm
by Eleni
You all may think I'm nuts but I didn't think about it, research anything, ask prior braces wearers questions. Nope, nothing. I prepared myself by just showing up that first day, blissfully unaware of what I was in store of. Two professionals I trusted said it had to happen, so ok. Maybe I had too many things going on at the time. Maybe it was too much a waste of energy to worry about what would or would not be. Lastly, situations and pain thresholds vary tremendously.

So, in a nutshell, it is what it is. No more or less than I expected. :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:33 pm
by Mona0922
Eleni - I'm pretty much with you. I knew the mess I had in my mouth had to be fixed and whatever I went through was just temporary. (I tell you though, during my consultation, when the ortho told me I wouldn't need headgear I couldn't help but think "That was really an option?? What have I done!?") Keeping in mind the big picture, this is all really no big deal. The receptionist at the ortho keeps telling me how I'm "going through a whole lot", but I'm more focused on the end than the now. As long as they keep making ibuprofen, I'll be right as rain!

my thoughts

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:45 pm
by metalmouth moi
I have had full braces on for over 6 months now and have been really suprised at how well the whole process is going :) . There have been days after a new archwire that my teeth have been "zinging " , but honestly , a couple tylenol a warm bath and an early bed time can do wonders. Socially they have been no hindrance, in fact although they are a HUGE deal to me, I don't think most people seem to notice. I thought I was being soooo brave getting colored ligs, and no one noticed !
My neice (age 7 ) says she can't remember me without them, and is totally comfortable with getting braces. (which is definitely in her future )
Every one has their unique experiences, and pain tolerance. Everyone gets a bit low by times. It is temporary and the pay off is GREAT. Treat yourself when you're feeling down ....A luxurous chai tea latte, a manicure, a new book. When all else fails , rant here . We have all had those days.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:44 pm
by Evelyn
Braces are DEFINATELY better than I thought they would be, I guess from the way that people complained about them I was imagining a searing kind of pain but it's not that at all it's a dull ache that gets annoying but you can completely deal with. I was bracing for the worst, and when I got mine on I was pleasantly surprised (although it was no walk in the park)

I got my braces on looong before this board was created so I really had no idea what was going to happen...I remember doing repeated searches all over google for braces experiences, and it always turned up with annoyig preteens who complained about how their braces created so much drama in their little middle-school lives with their 'boyfriends' etc etc...not exactly the response I was looking for. So really, all I had to go off of was the memory of all my friends complaining about these 'killer metal daggers' stuck in their mouths so needless to say, the actual experience was much better than what I thought it would be like.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:58 pm
by Gigabite
I was so eager to get my braces on that I didn't really think about any disadvantages.

So far I've had next to no pain and the only disadvantage (extra cleaning/flossing) is really an advantage if you think about it.

I just had my archwire changed yesterday and I am on the soup and yoghurt diet again :( but I'm still happy that I had braces put on.

Whenever I'm feeling low, I look at my "before" pictures to see how far I've come. Knowing that my teeth will never look like that again really cheers me up!

Yes and no

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:31 pm
by Yeatsmom
My teeth were not awfully bad looking before braces: they had really shifted over the past ten years, though, and my slight overjet had gotten very rabbitty looking. Wanted to get model-perfect smile before I get too old! And also, bite stunk and I want to keep my teeth to age 100 at least.

And the pain isn't bad. The eating thing though. I pretty much eat what I want, but it's the horrid sensation of chewing food with barbed wire on your teeth. Don't know how I'll get used to that, and it has been almost a month already.

What is annoying is when people say, "Oh, I never noticed your teeth were bad." The rector of my church gave me that one this morning. Oh, well.

I still do get days when I think about just forgetting the whole darn thing. On the other hand, I'm in it this far....


Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:14 am
by butterfly
I got uppers only and the pain was nothing compared to what I expected. But there might be more down the road :shock:

I tried to eat out on the 4th day and I thought I will get them removed ASAP. But now it's not so bad. I adjust my meals to the current bite strength available and life goes on. There are vegetarian people and allergic people and kosher eating people who are also limited and there's no big deal.

Let's see what will come up next when I have my lowers on or thicker wire or whatever :shock:

About the social aspects: I learned quickly that there is no need to hide them because people either react with jealousy ranting about high prices or they don't react at all. :)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:16 am
by BrunettewithBraces
I've had my braces now for only a week...and I'm still very self-concious about them. I can barely chew...the good thing is, I've lost like 5 lbs!! Yahoo! :lol:

I think I look worse with them on, and the pain isn't fun either. But what keeps me going is the "Hollywood Smile" I will have at the end of this whole thing.

Braces aren't fun, they are a pain, but just think...we're all going to look great when they are done!!

Cheers! :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:35 pm
by **shinyhappybraceface**
Way easier than I thought. I'm 11 weeks (or so) into my adventure and had my first adjustment last week. I've never had the pain many others experience and my teeth are moving nicely. I haven't taken any pain killers and I've never even used wax...I'm just incredibly fortunate, I guess.

Too bad it took me so long to finally do it! :roll:

Oh...and I'm finding that since noticing movement, I'm actually smiling way more than my self-conscious, former self would have ever allowed.

I've seen a lot of adults with them recently - including a guy who won on Wheel of Fortune last week. Plus, I'm working as an intern in a group home for MR/DD adults and they all love them. :lol: