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Hi..I am new to this forum

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:05 pm
by Natasha_26

I am new to this forum and recently got braces...2 weeks ago. Am 26 years old..have got ceramic braces.

I am really wishing that I had gotten my braces when I was younger, I have a job interview next week and am just worried that having braces would affect my chances.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:20 pm
by bbsadmin
If you search the forum, you'll find some threads where people talk about this. Most people have said that it wasn't an issue in an interview. And I remember several people saying that they got the job and that the braces were a non-issue, period. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do fine! :D

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:46 pm
by hannah164
Welcome Natasha_26! :-1
Congratulations on getting braced!
Good luck with your interview! Let us know how it goes!



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 4:57 pm
by bracesrok
i haven't had braces for long.
i get them tightened on december 14.
They aren't get used to them!
its the worst when you first get them
good luck at your interview!

Ashlee :D

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 7:54 pm
by Geri
Hi Natasha! I had an interview about 2 weeks after getting braces and was just as worried as you about how it would affect things. As it turned out, it really didn't matter at all and I got the job! So, try not to worry and very best of luck!

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 7:58 pm
by Barbiedoll
Hi Natasha_26 and welcome. This is a wonderful place. If you got questions, someone's got the answer. I've learned much here. Good luck. :tingrin:

Re: Hi..I am new to this forum

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:24 pm
by butterfly
Natasha_26 wrote:worried that having braces would affect my chances.
That might well be!

Adults with braces show some very important things:

- that they care for their health
- that they want to look as good as possible
- that they have enough self-esteem to go through the process
- that they are financially stable
- that they have endurance
- that they are able to make a commitment for years
- that they are willing to keep specific rules every day (hygiene, diet)

A poor, unstable, shy quitter kind of person doesn't get braces. What do you think an employer needs?

Maybe you even bring the braces and their commitment up in a word or two just in case they wouldn't notice :D

Very important concern

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:35 pm
by SueFromNJ
I think job interviewing with braces is nothing to dismiss lightly, as it is a legitimate concern. There are parts of the USA where it is unusual to see a professional adult in braces or crooked teeth, since it seems that everyone else already fixed their teeth as children! And there are some corporate cultures who would not be approving of braces, as they expect people who "already have it all together" and have a certain polished look. I know people on this forum in the past have disagreed with me on this issue, but I seen places that would never hire someone in braces, and I am not talking modeling agencies, either - just corporate offices who want a certain image in their employees.

BUT, that being said, you just have to have confidence and just march in there and do your best! And hope the place you are interviewing at isn't hung up on everyone having the "perfect" appearance! I interviewed in braces for my current job and I got it! :) Fortunately I work in a place where appearances aren't everything (yes, I am a librarian!), and I work with kids, so my braces may have actually been an avantage! :)

Good luck! :)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:26 pm
by bracesrok
I don't think that having braces is going to affect your chances at getting your job. I agree with what butterfly wrote.
- that they care for their health
- that they want to look as good as possible
- that they have enough self-esteem to go through the process
- that they are financially stable
- that they have endurance
- that they are able to make a commitment for years
- that they are willing to keep specific rules every day (hygiene, diet)
If someone won't hire you because you care about your teeth then you might not want to work with someone who thinks like that anyways.


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:02 pm
by butterfly
I think it depends on the job though. If it's a representative thing, or a salesperson's job, flight attendent or anything like this, I would understand that the employer prefers someone who doesn't have braces. But these employers probably wouldn't hire a fat person either, or someone bald or with a crooked nose... So think about it. For any other job I cannot see a reason not to hire a person with braces. As I can speak from an employer's view as well (my husband has a business) - there is *no* reason not to hire someone with braces. unless you look for a pretty piece of furniture to adorn your office..... (there ARE bosses like this though).
And besides... There are people wihout braces that smell from the mouth, have yellow teeth. yuck. How about THAT :shock: