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I need blender drink ideas

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:43 pm
by genxsis
I want to be ready for ANYthing, including the inability to eat! I don't even own a blender yet, but will get one when I would have some idea of how to use it :P
I like the idea of putting several items into a blender, turning it on, and ending up with a nutritious drink when you can't eat. But what can be put in there. Are there some things that are no-nos?
Any suggestions?

I was thinking of a blender that costs about $14 at Wal-Mart. You know, nothing fancy. They all do pretty much the same thing, right?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 3:36 pm
by Attagirl2
Hi Gensis. I don't own a blender, but us a stick "blender" instead. I bought a stick blender and a glass with a large enough base (so the stick blender fit all the way to the bottom of the glass). All I do is add the following ingredients:

Frozen Blueberries about 2 tablespoons
Dry Old Fashioned Oatmeal about 1/2 cup
Dry Slim Fast - Vanilla one scoop
Dry Soy Protien - Vanilla one scoop
Cinnamon about 2 teaspoons (I like Cinnamon)
Peanut Butter about 1 teaspoon
Ground Flax Seed about 1 Tablespoon
Fat Free Milk about 1 cup

Just blend together and drink.

These are approximations, as I don't measure anything.

The thing I like about this shake is that it is satisfying. I can go at least four hours before I get hungry.

Of course you can vary the frozen fruit and add or delete other ingredients.

Have fun getting prepared.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:48 am
by Evelyn
My favorite has always been the strawberry banana smoothie...

About 4 or 5 large defrosted strawberries
1 banana, cut up into chunks (it works out better if the banana is old and sweet, you know the kind that no one will eat-all brown and smushy. They're the best for smoothies imho)
about a scoop and a half of rich vanilla ice cream (I always use vanilla frozen custard-yum)
And ice.

Put it all in the blender and mix it up. You'll probably have to stir it all a couple times to get it all mixed up because it's a pretty thick smoothie but that's how I like them. IF you want to water it down a bit you can add some yogurt or fruit juice.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 11:34 am
by Shelby014
I like your smoothie evelyn, all except for the all brown banana....yucky. I like them when they are almost not even ripe, and the one day difference between being good, and being old. LoL, i'm weird i kno

I just take some peach, mango, strawberries, rasberries, blueberries, etc etc. Vanilla custard, some fruit juice/yogurt, and mix a few together and see what i get, most of the time i get something that tastes pretty good, i just cant seem to get it to a good consistancy though, it always seems to be too runny :?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 1:13 pm
by genxsis
Yum! It all sounds very good! Guess I'll have to try out different ideas and see which one I like the best. Just had 2 teeth extracted and am having complications already with that. A smoothie would be far preferable to eating anything nowadays.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:23 pm
by Dadio
A friend gave me a Smoothie Elite blender a year or so ago, it's a good blender with a 'tap' on the blender jar and a 'joystick' thing in the lid. Makes great shakes and smoothies, a lot better than our regular blender did. I've seen that Hamilton Beach has a new WaveStation smoothie blender; if I wear mine out, I'll try that one out. I've sent my friends a recent email telling what a godsend the smoothie machine has been!

During my spacer sentence of a week and a half, all I could eat was smoothies. I kept small bags of frozen cantaloupe, banana (peeled and chopped up, learned that the hard way), and blueberries, of which I would grab two, throw in the blender with about a cup of skim milk and french vanilla soy meal replacment mix. These came out tasty and almost like soft serve ice cream and felt really good as well. This would almost hold me until lunch hunger wise.

That would probably work with any fruit you like, play around with the proportions to see what makes you happy.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 8:49 am
by sophielafille
I have been living out of my blender for the last week, I cannot wait until I feel like I can chew again!
Yesterday I put a can of black beans, some onions, garlic, tomatoes, corn, cumin and a bit of salsa and made refried beans. I also make hummus alot...chick peas, tahini, olive oil and lemon. Just something different if you're sick of the fruit smoothies :)


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:36 am
by Gel
I love to make my own concoctions with my blender. I take just about anything that is frozen and half it with milk or yogurt. I also like to add somekind of oats or grain or cereal to yogurt. I learned that trick while in Russia, it's really yummy.
My favorite blender goodie is an orange julious. fresh oranges and ice with a little bit of sugar or honey. Half ice half oranges and flavor to taste!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:48 am
by Al Carter
I second the suggestions for a stick blender - they are great - easier to clean and you can use them for smoothies and soups - they are so great with soups - you can blend straight in the saucepan.

I use sorbet instead of ice or icecream in my smoothied. My favorite is:

1 banana
handful of strawbs
small container of vanilla yoghurt
2 heaped tablespoons of raspberry sorbet
1/2 cup of orange juice
wheatgerm - a couple of teaspoons

Through them all in together & blend!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:07 pm
by genxsis
Why do so many recipes call for frozen fruit to be put into a blender? Does it have to be frozen? I would think that it would chop up better if not frozen. Plus it wouldn't put so much wear and tear on the blender blade. But that's just my inexperienced opinion! :?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:10 pm
by Shelby014
i've never used frozen fruit, too much trouble, as you said, to chop up.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:46 pm
by Eleni
My two faves are:

Winter Smoothie
1/2 cup orange juice
1/3 cup cranberry juice
1 banana sliced up
4-6 ice cubes

PB&B Smoothie (peanut butter & banana)
1 bananas sliced up
6-8 ounces milk (1% or soy)
1 tablespoon creamy peanut butter
4-6 ice cubes

KK also mentioned this one that sounds great:
Crispy Apple Smoothie
apple flavoured sorbet
crushed ice
natural apple juice

* If you have a choco craving you can add 2 tablespoons of Dutch-processed cocoa powder. Works like a charm.
* If you want to turn it into a meal, add a scoop of flavored whey protein powder. Vanilla and Banana are good flavors
* Also, in place of of milk you can add yogurt.
* Frozen fruit/ice cubes make smoothies creamer, but you don't have to do/include.


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:27 am
by Granola
Why do so many recipes call for frozen fruit to be put into a blender? Does it have to be frozen? I would think that it would chop up better if not frozen.
I have a stick blender (by KitchenAid) that I use for smoothies, and that thing can chop ice cubes, so it handles frozen fruit like it's butter. :D

The nice thing about using frozen fruit is that it gives a thicker (as opposed to runny) consistency.

I use nonfat vanilla yogurt in all of my smoothies.

That black bean concoction sounds wonderful!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:29 am
by genxsis
That does it! I'm gonna go out and get me a blender! :D

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:32 am
by cookie
This is my favourite blender drink :wink: :lol: :

2 c. crushed ice
1/2 c. lime juice
1/2 c. tequila
1 tbsp. Triple Sec

Put all ingredients in blender and blend for 60 seconds. Serve in salt-rimmed glasses.

Otherwise, there are some great recipes on this page: ... /Smoothies