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3 Weeks to be off!

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:32 pm
by Validone
This was the most exciting news. Thursday I went in to the ortho. The assistant came over and I told her "I am about ready to come out". I have been in braces about 17 and half months. My estimated time was 18 months, and my teeth look almost perfect :D . My ortho came over and opened my mouth and said "that's what I am talking about your teeth look really good" My only problem is the upper space on the sides of my teeth in which the put double powerchains to close the space.

The ortho then said, you are going to be out your braces next time you come back. I was cheesing as he told the asst. (let's get him back in 3-4 weeks to take them off). I will get them off on Dec. 12 in the morning, and will have to come back in the afternoon to pick up my retainer. I heard him tell the asst. that I will get a clear one on top, and either a permanent or removable one on the bottom. I will have some pics for you enthusiasts. PTL!

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 3:20 am
by akrapols
Congratulation! I am the same, I got impression done for retainers last week. My braces will be off on December 7th!! :D

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 6:25 am
by hopkins about an early Christmas present for you this year.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 1:55 pm
by hannah164
Congratulations! That is so awesome!

:D :-)o :-V :jump: :-88 :-** :rawk: :thumbsup: :dance: :BigTeethGrin:


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:37 pm
by Validone
Yeah my ortho knew that I would be happy to have them off as an early "Christmas gift"

I really appreciate my ortho he's really cool, but not lacking at being excellent at what he does, that's why he's been voted in the top 50 orthodontist in the nation like every year!!!!!

I was glad to hear that I will be getting my retainer the same day. I read on this board so many that have to wait weeks to get their retainers. I can't afford to have my teeth relapse into the same old positions. I am counting down the days. 21 to go.