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I got braced today!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:26 pm
by bethne3
I figure that I will eventually start my own story post on the other forum board but I thought I would let everyone know that I got braces today!

I had my wisdoms out last monday and was a bit apprehensive about getting the braces put on after only a week after the extractions (which by the way were not the easiest of procedures...dry sockets..extreme pain, etc).

Today at 1 I went in and got my upper braces put on along with my upper expander. They worked so hard to try and get the lower expander in but because my teeth are so close together they could not get them to fit.
I had two spacers put in on my lower molars and will be going back Monday mornin to have the lower braces put on along with the lower expander.

I have to say, I am in mostly no pain right now. I took 2 Ibuprofin and I'm doing okay! The most annoying thing though is the drooling/accumulation of saliva in my mouth. I have a feeling this has to do with the upper expander. that is going to take awhile to get used to.

Overall the process wasn't that bad. I did feel a bit of pressure when they were cleaning my teeth beforehand but other than that I didn't experience any icky taste from the etching or any pain from putting the archwires and brackets on.

I do have one question though, they gave me a special mini toothbrush type thing and some special floss (I think ) but they weren't very good at explaining how to use these tools. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

I also have a tool for the upper expander and again, the explainations weren't very clear. I know that I have to turn it twice daily but I'm not exactly sure how.

Anyways, I'm so excited to be starting my journey! I took pictures of my teeth last night and will be posting them here shortly. I can't wait to see the progress!


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:12 pm
by bracesrok
i got my braces abouyt four months ago. They didnt hurt at first, but then they started to hurt really bad whenever i ate ANYTHING and at random times later. don't'll get used to them. When you first get them on they hurt for about a week but when you get them tightened it gets bit shorter each time. just stick to mash potatoes, aplesuace, and pudding for a couple of days!

i didnt have to have any expanders, but my brother had an upper expander put in. It made him talk funny for about 2 hours and then he had a hard time eating (not because of pain though) andsince then he didnt have any problems. my frined also got top and bottom expanders. she still doesnt talk right,but ive gotten used to it and its not hard at all to understand her. she gets hers off 5 days before Christmas.

I dont really know much about tightening them...i just know that it was hard at first for my friend to do it and her parents had to do it for her but after a while she could do it herself. my parents had to do it the whole time for my brother.
As for your other question, my orthodontist told me that i could use what ever size brush i wanted. they told me to brush with the bristles going up towards your gums on top and bottom and then brush with the bristles going down on top and bottom. Then brush over them like normal. My orthodontist gave me a special needle thing (its not sharp or anything...its plastic and bendy) and u thread it with the floss (they didnt tell me i had to have a certain type of floss) and u stick it down btween the archwire and your teeth between the brackets and pull the needle down (hint: always push the needle AWAY from your makes it alot easier to get hold of) pull it down and then floss like normal. check with your orthodontist, but mine told me that i could floss the top one night and the bottom the next.

by the way...what orthodontist do you go to?


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:30 pm
by HollyDontSpend
First of all, congrats on getting your braces on!!! :dance:
Although I am not familar with expanders, I am familar with that floss. There should be a really stiff end on it. Just "thread" that through your teeth above the braces and pull it through and floss from above the bracket. Here's a link that might help you out a little ( Hope that helps. I just skipped pulling it around the brackets and just threaded right between the teeth.

Also, I checked out your website. Nice jewelry!! I would like to talk to you about a custom necklace and some earrings for Christmans presents!!! But, I'll email you if you like with more information from the contact info on your website. :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:43 pm
by hannah164
Congratulations Bethne3 on getting your braces! :thumbsup:

Thats great that your not feeling any pain yet, hope it stays that way! :wink: I had an upper palate expander when I was younger because my mouth was very small! I definitely agree with the extra saliva that it comes with! :roll: Mine was removable with a key so I'm not quite sure how you would clean yours? :?

Good luck!

-Hannah :frogbraces:


Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05