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Is there life without wax?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:41 pm
by tracy75402
Hi all. New to this board but not too new to braces. I have had upper and lower metal for about 1 1/2yrs. Have had some bad days after wire changes and new power chains. Nothing that advil can't control but I can't seems to live without wax on my uppers. Lip area does fine but all along the sides kills me unless I wax. My cheek seems to just sit on my upper braces even if I'm not talking or anything. Was I just to quick to wax and not give the tissue time to toughen up? Has anyone else had this poblem? Also has anyone used the silicon wax?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 8:49 pm
by Shelby014
biotene rocks, i use it everytime that i brush my teeth, which is upward of 3 times a day, and it instantly makes my sores feel better, they go away much faster, then when i use regular stingy mouthwash, i use biotene toothpaste too, its pretty great as well!! I might try peroxyl though, i was just wondering how much it costs though, because i can get a whole bottle of biotene for about $6, if peroxyls any cheaper i might just try it. I use mack pillow soft earplugs for wax, it has about 5 quarter size glops of silicone for about $4 dollars, and it lasts forever, AND it works great. I would highly recommend it, you can get it at places like CVS and Walgreens. I would use wax there as long as you have to, the tissue will toughen as long as there is something rubbing, even if it is wax, and KiwiKarens idea is awesome too, the salt water rinses really help!
Hope this was helpful,

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 8:33 am
by littleshaddies
I don't know if you know but there are these plastic tubes that go over your brackets and wire. They don't cover your teeth, only the braces, and they come in different colours. Maybe try and find those until your lips heal, and follow Karen's advice there.
You can see how they look like on this website i buy things from and maybe try and find them?

Hope you feel better soon. :-1