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Goodie Bag

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 2:21 am
by noppi
How many people got goodie bags from their orthodontist? I haven't gotten braces yet (January), but am hoping I will get a good goodie bag because I think Im spending more at this office than I could have spent elsewhere. The ortho didn't mention anything about a goodie bag though. :( What if I don't get one? I would be sad. I saw in another section of this forum that some people got free Sonicare Elite toothbrushes! :shock: Do orthodontists usually give goodie bags? I've heard of some that give them afterwards, but what about before? Should I assume that my ortho is cheapie if I don't get one...I guess I'll be trying to milk all that I can get in wax, cheapie toothbrushes, and chapstick.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 2:30 am
by Rebraced
I am sure you will get one the day you get your braces put on. I got mine as I got out of the chair. It was full of toothbrushes,toothpaste, wax and all sorts of stuff. The bag even had a smiley face with braces on it lol. Let us know what you get in yours.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:02 am
by kelly12300
I got a goody bag. In mine I had 2 different kinds of wax, some little brushes, a tube of Winnie The Pooh toothpaste ( :? ) umm... some of those tablets that you chew that show the plaque on your teeth and flouride mouthwash. I'm sure there was something else too but I can't remember, it was ages ago! Oh and the bag was a smiley tooth holding a toothbrush

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 8:52 am
by Natasha_26
I got a goodie bag too. I got a 4 tooth brushes, tooth paste, emergency kit, electric floss, mirror, wax and even a t-shirt.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 9:22 am
by johnnys_angel
Mine had a few toothbrushes, some toothpaste, some flouride (bubblemint), some floss, floss threaders, and disclosing tablets. I agree with KK, even if you don't get much, or even anything, that doesn't mean your ortho is 'cheap'. Good luck :)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 9:33 am
by Evelyn
I'm kind of hoping that the goodie bag will be better when I get my braces off than when I got them on...let's see, I got a plastic bag with a pamphlet with cartoon characters claiming how important it is to 'work together' with you rorthodontist, and then there were two packets of wax.

It didn't bother me though, I wasn't expecting anything anyway. Maybe I'll actually get something when I get the braces off? Who knows...


Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:47 am
by Megera_S
My stuff didn't even come in a bag, they just handed everything to me :lol:
I got one of those "V" cut toothbrushes, a travel sized toothpaste, a thingie of wax (which the assistant pointed out: "this is a whole years worth" - yeah right! :shock: ), some floss threaders and a sheet about what not to eat.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 12:38 pm
by alexa
I got a v cut toothbrush, some threaders, one of those bendy little spiral brushes (wow...I'm up on the jargon... :oops: ) with extra brush heads, some wax and a list of things not to eat.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 1:01 pm
by caryca
I wasn’t expecting any thing...but I got, a very handy bag with v tooth brush, a small brush, well not a small but like a 1/3 of a tooth brush (very good to get out food that stuck around molar bands). A set of those small spiral things to brush ‘in between’. A small bottle of mouthwash; superfloss –my favorite thing!! And…I guess that’s all? Wax was separately- I am getting them as much as I want….but after 5,5 months I only used 1,5 box (small one).
I think the goodie bag depends on ‘business plan’ but definitely not on experience

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 5:09 pm
by drazda
Wow, you guys are making me feel bad. All I got was thing of wax and a list of things not to eat.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:18 pm
by jenns91civic
Gosh I can't remember everything I got, but it wasn't much. I got a box with a little travel V cut ortho toothbrush, some floss threaders, packet of wax, a couple disclosing tablets, and a little brochure on how to brush. I think that's all it came with. I don't remember getting a sheet on what not to eat but surely I must have.

Debanding I got nothing. I did get one sheet on proper wear/care of retainers when I picked those up, that's it.

Apart from that, I could get wax and all the elastics I ever wanted just by asking for it. We could buy Prevident 5000 plus toothpaste for $10 a tube right there in the office, and got a good deal on Sonicare Pro toothbrushes.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:19 pm
by KJM
Same with me drazda :cry: After hearing all the goodies everyone else got I feel really cheated!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 7:16 pm
by Betty Bat
I think I posted my "goodie bag list" on the Dental Do-dads site. All of mine came in a big plastic water bottle. I'm really jealous of everyone who got a Sonicare toothbrush - I got a Crest Spinbrush, which is good (much better than manual) and now I have a Sonicare on my Christmas list.

me too

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 10:17 pm
by HollyDontSpend
I too am jealous of those who got the Sonicare toothbrush! HA! I remember getting a navy blue bag with floss, toothbrushes, threaders, wax, pictures of what your teeth could look like if you don't brush you teeth with braces on, toothpaste, mouthwash, and a care card.

When I got my braces off, I got balloons, a $10 gift certificate to the movies, a free photo session with a photographer, and a sports bottle filled with sticky gooey candy.

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:55 pm
by TuZZi
When I was first braced, I got a goodie bag with a regular sized ortho toothbrush, 2 packages of wax, a travel sized toothpaste, a proxybrush, some nasty floss threaders I haven't used, and a laminated sheet to hang from the bathroom mirror telling me how to brush my teeth with braces on.

So far, the only other thing I've got free from the ortho is bulk envelopes of wax.