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Extractions to enhance facial profile?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 12:16 pm
by Billyjo
My wife is going this wednesday to have four teeth extrated (4 on the floor!). Her teeth are all straight with no gaps and she has a beautiful smile. She only recently had her first ever cavity and has always taken exceptional care of her teeth. She has no physical problems but feels that in profile, her mouth sticks out too far. I do not see this and consider her very attractive. She is 42 years old but can look very young. She had some prior braces put on but she has alot of teeth and has been told that because there is no space the braces had little effect. Her orthodontist suggested removing her bicuspids (? I think those are the ones) to provide room to adjust her teeth. The back ones will be pulled forward and the front ones pushed back. I feel that she could regret it if it does not provide the results she seeks but by then it will be too late. She has always wanted to do something about this since she was a little girl. Am I concerned over nothing or could this lead to problems down the road both asthetic and physical? She had new braces put in last week (before the coming extractions) and her appearance has definately been affected, negativly in my opinion as the shape of her mouth has changed because of the metal work. I did not realize such a slight shift could have such an affect. I do not care about the looks but I do want her to be happy and know she is concerned about her appearance. To me this is an unnessesary risk for an uncertain outcome. I do not know how to search for this issue but I did see that there is a topic "biggest mistake...". Any advice would be helpful.
I would include some pics but I can't figure out how. Will post if I can figure it out.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:37 pm
by Dreamer
I am 49 and had four extractions last April. The changes in my profile are already noticeable and for the better. Any good orthodontist wouldn't suggest having four extractions without studying her records/xrays and knowing that it will improve her profile and have a positive end result.
Knowing what it's like to have wanted this since being very young myself, I would just be happy for her so that it's a positive experience. Afterall this is a childhood dream..she should enjoy seeing it fulfilled! :)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:57 am
by TuZZi
I too had 4 bicuspids removed, and my facial profile has changed considerably. My cheekbones are more prominant now than they ever were.... I'm not sure if it's from the weightloss, or the braces/extractions, or a combination of the both, but there's definately been changes!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:52 am
by Dreamer
Isn't it strange Tuzzi? You'd never think it would be such a drastic change and so fast! I'm thrilled so far and I still have almost 2 years to go!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 8:09 am
by Gable74
i wonder if there is a way to enhance your chin somehow. I have somewhat of a "sunkin in" chin. Not real noticable, but i was hoping braces would be able to change that aspect of my profile. I would love for my chin to be a little more pronounced.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 8:36 am
by Billyjo
Here is a link to some images. I believe it may be nessessary to paste the link into your browser. There are several front shots showing off her beautiful smile. I have encouraged her to see a maxifacial specialist who works with both teeth and soft tissue. Her concern is with her profile. I believe she may really benifit more from some chin work but she is determined and has found an orthodontist who says he can have the braces off in 6 to 9 months although he has stated that there is no guarentee regarding the desired results. One of the profile pictures is unaltered. Another I photoshopped to illustrate what reducing the mouth protrusuion may look like. On the third I slightly extended her chin which to me appears to enhance her profile although to me she is absolutly beautiful and I would prefer that she reconsider. She became upset when I suggested she postpone the extractions for consultation and showed her the illustrative images. I suspect she would be upset that I am posting the pics but I think it is such a drastic move for questionable outcome. I know we all do things we wish we could take back.


Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:17 am
by Billyjo
I have been told how to make the image link clickable so here it is below. My wife is presently having the 4 extractions and surgury as I write this.She is receiving an Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics (Wilkodontics) procedure where holes are drilled in the bone and then it is seeded with a new bone mixture (part cow bone?) which accerates the process. It is supposed to be complete in 6-9 months. I am including a link to that process also. I am still a skeptic on her obtaining the results she seeks but after speaking with her orthodontist I at least have some hope for a positive outcome. The Dr. assures me her smile will be as lovely as ever and more so and there will be no gaps when the procedure is complete. He also indicated that it would enhance her chin and her lips will not become thinner. He is a professiional but I would have prefered her to have gotten another opinion. It does not seem that it would naturaly be the result to me but I admitidly have no training or experience in these matters. I did not however get the feeling that they do not care to advise clients on asthetics, as a member of the staff indicated that patients sometimes request treatments that they personally do not think look good but that do make patients happy. Time will tell. ... 2116895112