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November Roll Call

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:52 pm
by Wingnut
How about a Roll Call for monthly anniversaries... because it's the last day of the month let's start with November.

November only - GO!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:01 pm
by hannah164
This is a cool idea!

November 28 was my 19 month anniversary for top braces!

Today is my 2 week anniversary for bottom braces!



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:07 pm
by DaisyMay66
Nov 3/05 - 2 years upper and lower metals

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:08 pm
by Retrogirl82
It's officially been a year and 7 months for me ;)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:56 pm
by **shinyhappybraceface**
I have lots to celebrate in November (yeah - I'm feeling positive tonight) so here goes:

November 7th - two months since I was officially braced (it took me 16 years to get there so it's a HUGE deal)

November 16th - my first ortho adjustment...and I got to floss minus my arch wires!

November 24th - my 29th Thanksgiving on the planet and my first broken bracket!

November 25th - wisdom teeth came out (hey - they'll never grow back, right?)

November 30th - my first solid food since the surgery (cheeseburger from Wendy's)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:34 pm
by Megera_S
November 24th, 2005 - Brace day.

It's been a week of firsts for me :)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:38 pm
by jenns91civic
Not ortho related, but..

Monday, November 21, 2005 - saw my first fatality, first major car wreck, first major trauma. all at the same time. I'm an EMT student.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:24 am
by dkt3
November 30th - Five months in braces and after yesterdays adjustment my teeth are killing me....Im sure most of you know it, the dull ache and if you touch your teeth (or chew down too hard) the sharp pain!

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:50 am
by Samantha08
November 14th was 4 month anniversary for both top and bottom..


November 23--My 20th Birthday!! :) Next year its on Thanksgiving!

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:11 pm
by Evelyn
November birthday!!!!!!
November 38 month braced anniversary...oh God I'm heading for the pliars...

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:27 pm
by Gel
November 22nd fianlly in braces

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:57 pm
by tkais
November was 16 months of being braced. I'm on the downhill now!

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:07 pm
by TeenQueen
November 24 was my 10 month anniversary. Hopefully only about 2 or 3 months left. :jump:

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:42 pm
by serendipity
November 4th Braced - go me :dance: ...finally on the board.... :D