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So the GC Tooth Mousse (vanilla!) arrived today...

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:22 pm
by weird_wired
...which was way quicker than expected.

So I read the instructions, and interestingly and suprisingly, they contained the following note:

<i>*Vanilla is especially recommended for patients suffering from erosion caries and conditions arising from xerostomia.</i>

Xerostomia is apparently dry-mouth syndrome, erosion caries not sure - a particularly virulent form of tooth decay??

Anyway, I am very intrigued to know why vanilla variety would be extra special, I can't see that there is any "real" vanilla oil in the actual ingredients, presumably only artificial flavouring.

Nonetheles, the tooth mousse tastes great, and hopefully will help heal up my exposed, hyper-sensitive tooth neck. Though ironically, in the last couple of weeks it seems to have got covered up by my gum, which is a little swollen from the braces (I think).

I would love to know how others use this stuff and how they find it.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:25 pm
by Kim
I don't know why the vanilla flavour is so special, but here's my routine on using my tooth mousse:

After I've cleaned my teeth, I use a different, smaller tooth brush (that the orthodontist gave me), and use it to gently spread it along the surface of my teeth. Then I used my tounge to smooth it around my mouth properly. Leave it for at least 3 mins, swishing it around your mouth if you need to. Because it works to get your mouth to produce saliva from the flavour of it. Then expel. The chick at the dental surgery said you can use your finger to spread the mousse around :? but I don't know, I just prefer not to do that. She also said you can swallow the mousse once your done too, rather than spit it out, but again, I'd rather expel it. haha :? Anyway, see how you go. I love the stuff.