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Aaack!! So now we know at my expense to avoid chewable Vit C

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:36 pm
by Kim
I have a sore throat, so I decided to take a few chewable orange flavoured Vitamin C tablets so that I don't end up getting a major cold, but right now I don't care about the friggin cold.... They majorly stained my ligatures!! I'm so pissed coz I only got these new ones on at my last adjustment on Thursday. This was the first time I decided to be adventurous with colours at by partners request, lol. (I've been staying safe with silver). But now my cute pretty pastel pink ligatures are a each a different shade ranging from disgusting peach to orange colour from the Vitamin C and from me brushing vigoursly in attempt to rectify the situation!! Grrrr. :evil: Now its a whole month of these until my next adjustment in January! I want to cry! :cry: lol.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 8:25 pm
by nvcarissa
You might want to give the ortho a call and see if they will replace them.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:26 am
by brandee987
But now my cute pretty pastel pink ligatures are a each a different shade ranging from disgusting peach to orange colour from the Vitamin C and from me brushing vigoursly in attempt to rectify the situation!! Grrrr. Now its a whole month of these until my next adjustment in January! I want to cry! lol.
Awww sorry!! I know how you feel.. I stained my ligs the day after I got braced.. and of course everyone is wanting to look at tmy braces for the first time.....but i noticed that the stain is fading some.. they arent as bad as when i first stained them, so hopefully the stain will fade... good luck!