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Broken Archwire? Advice please!

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:51 pm
by leeg
I was wondering if anyone could help me out.
I am 24 years of age and have had braces on my upper teeth for just over 5 months now, i should be getting lower braces early january at my next appointment. Then in the summer an operation to correct a severe overbite.

Anyway my problem is this...

Last week i had my upper archwire replaced and powerchains fitted also, they hurt for a few days like hell as usual and all felt normal in my mouth. However last night i felt a popping noise or something similar in my archwire, i have spent hours checking for a snap (I had my archwire snap last month and got it replaced a day later) but couldnt find any brackages.

The thing is my teeth feel looser and i cant feel any pressure on my upper teeth anymore, im not sure if im being paranoid but im not sure weather to go to the orthodontists only to find out im wasting their time.
Also after i felt a pop i also now feel one of the wires poking out at the end slightly more than usual on the same side i felt the pop.

Does anybody have any idea what the problem is? and should i go to my orthos just in case? altough i do not want to waste their time.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!! :-)

Apologies for a lack of knowledge of terms etc... im new to the world of metal teeth.

Thank You!

P.S. Very very good board!

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:58 pm
by **shinyhappybraceface**
About a week ago, I felt a pop and found that I had bent my bottom archwire...didn't even realize that I'd popped off a top bracket until the following day when the oral surgeon removed it. It was in his way, I guess.

Anyhow, I'd suggest that you stop in and have the ortho check it - can't hurt. And that's what we're all paying them the big bucks for, right?

Good luck!

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:50 pm
by R-A-M-O-N-E-S
I broke a wire yesterday too and have to wait til Monday to see the ortho, I'm lucky it's not hurting me

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:19 am
by leeg
Actually my treatment is on the NHS, so i am in an extremelly fortunate position of not having to pay a penny for the treatment i recieve.

This is because without the treatment eventually i wouldnt even be able to bite my teeth together gue to my excessive overbite.