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Please tell me the braces will be better than the spacers

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:29 am
by Marzipan
At first I felt okay - the spacers (separators) went in with a bit of pain, felt like the tech was pulling my teeth out. Then they felt fine for a day. Then they started to HURT. In spite of ibuprofen. It's been five days now. The molars and the surrounding teeth have that weird kind of loose feeling, they have definitely moved because they don't fit together they way they did before, and eating is PAINFUL.

On Tuesday morning I'll have molar bands and some brackets put on. Two weeks later, remaining brackets and archwire and whatever other torture implements the ortho has in store for me.

I read lots of stuff on this board prior to going for it. Lots of people said the separators were more painful than anything. At this point I hope that's true.

So, the question: Is it going to be like this the ENTIRE time I have braces? Painful to eat? Low-grade ache even when taking painkillers? Desire to rip the things out of my mouth? (Which I could do with the separators, but obviously not once braces are installed.)

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:58 am
by drazda
It won't stay like that, I promise. I think everyone has the feeling of wanting to rip them off at first. The braces aren't as bad as the spacers. A week into the braces, the pain will be gone. Good luck!

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:21 pm
by Bluerain
UGH..Spaces are truly the worst part!!

Good thing we changed ortho treatment and went with anchors
so no need for spaces anymore .


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 4:27 pm
by nvcarissa
***Counting my lucky stars that I didn't have spacers! The first ten days of braces were bad enough! Thank goodness it's never been as bad as that first week and a half!

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:57 pm
by Marzipan
Thanks for the reassurances, everyone! The only thing preventing me from ripping out the spacers is the knowledge that I've gone this far, plus my teeth are already displaced, so I should tough it out. It helps hugely to know that it won't feel like this the whole time.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:11 pm
by Phantom
For me, the spacers were the worst i've gone thru till now. After the spacers were put in, it left some bit and i kept chewing on them like gums. On the third day, my right side (which had more contact) became quite sore and i had difficulties eating solid food.

As for the braces, they are quite okay except that i can't use my front teeth to bite off from drumstick etc. And it's quite troublesome, after every meal i've to brush my teeth.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:52 pm
by johnnys_angel
Spacers interest me so much because I never had them! Can somebody describe how they feel? Oh by the way, I've heard that braces are definitely not as bad (not even the same thing-feeling wise) as spacers.


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 10:35 pm
by lesdents
I have the spacers in right now - four on top, four on bottom. :x

I am really going crazy - it's finals week, I have so much work to do, and all I can think about is how much my mouth hurts, how I can't eat any good food, and how the next two years of my life will be spent in agony - who me? a drama queen?

Well, I know it will get better, but I really want to rip it all out of my mouth despite all I've gone through to get this done. Glad to know there are others in my situation!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:47 am
by Shagers
This is different for everybody, but if I had to quantify pain in relative terms, if spacers were say, 235.6, then since then I think the worst pain I've had with braces would be maybe 127.6 post adjustment, and 17.4 once you get 3-days post adjustment.

These are exact numbers. No correspondence will be entered into. :)

It will get better...

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:42 am
by Samantha08
Braces are a BREEZE after you get those spacers out. I HATED those things with a passion. They have got to be the most painful part of this whole process. Thats what all of my friends have told me, that after the spacers are gone, it's all downhill from there lol!


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:57 pm
by lesdents
Okay, I got my spacers on Fri, Dec. 1st. Sat. and Sun. were HELL - but today, three days later, it's MUCH better already.

Actually, so far I've had two of the spacers come out and I had to put them back in myself. Now THAT was bad! Plus I got blood on my shirt from doing it. (It's very bloody for me, my teeth are SO tight!)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:37 pm
by Marzipan
Spacers are gone. Yes!!!!!

The molar bands were installed a few hours ago. So far, not bad. I realize they will be sore later, but there isn't that horrid feeling of pressure that the spacers created. There IS a nasty lingering taste of the glue. I am having some trouble figuring out how to make the wax stay in place.

In 2 weeks I'll the rest of the brackets and archwires. I think the ortho wanted to ease me into it, given that I'm nearly a senior citizen. ;)

At this point I do agree that the molar bands are not nearly as icky as the spacers.

The pain has begun

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:04 pm
by plmii
I am a 34 year old male who just starting going to the dentist. My parents could not afford braces and I kept putting them off as an adult. My wife has told me often I should get them done to improve my looks and allow me to smile which I seldom in any photograph.

I completed my BS degree Oct 5th and have wriiten a book to be publsihed very soon. The excuses for not getting my braces after completing those large tasks seemed very weak indeed.

I had my spacers put in yesterday and must say they really are horrible. I wanted to rip them out earlier this afternoon, but I fought the urge.

I know the pain will be a part of this process, but the goal is worth the discomfort. To be able to have a great smile and show off my straight teeth will be worth every ounce of pain I get from these spacers and the braces.

25 months to go to my movie star smile and being smoke free. Since I will also be quitting smoking when the braces go on.

This site is a wonderful find, and I see it as a support line I will use in the struggles to come.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:20 pm
by Marzipan
PLMII, stick with it! If I could manage the week without ripping out the spacers, anybody can. :)

I feel muuuuch better with them out. The bands are odd, but decidedly less annoying than the spacers and so far less painful as well. Perhaps there will be a bit of pain later, but right now I'm doing well.