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Is there any change to the shape of mouth

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:02 pm
by Braceface82
Does braces change the shape of mouth after the treatment :?:

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:53 am
by weird_wired
Dr J commented on someone's photo that their mouth shows "lip and chin muscle strain that may be relieved by reducing the dental protrusion":

which suggests that orthodontics can affect mouth appearance.

Having wider arches as mentioned above also changes your look slightly, but very often for the better according to people here:

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:50 pm
by Braceface82
Thanks for all the info you guys. I just cant help to notice that ever since I started wearing braces I look totally different. I have a bump on my upper lip (i hope that will go away after my treatment) and my mouth seems to be wider. ggrrr but hopefully after my treatment everything will be better.

not only mouth but face

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:20 pm
by kander
hi, i have mentioned this before...many months ago.
my face has been altered. my lower jaw seems to have retracted and people always commit on "how much weight i have lost" ( which i have not lost any) but when they say it they always touch their face. i hate it.
i am to have jaw surgery in feb. and i hope to god that i look the same as before but w/straight teeth.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:42 am
by orangetammy
im thinking about that too and this has seriously affected my mood sometimes.. my jawline looks longer and my mouth seems to be very weird and taking up a much bigger proportion in my face... and i don't like that...

is that just a process of shifting my teeth around? i had very mild underbite and my orthodontist was trying to correct it just by making me wear some elastics.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:38 am
by jcdamon3

It really depends on what you are having done. If you have a significant overjet and will have teeth extracted etc. I would think that you would have some changes to your mouth. Why wouldn't you?

In my case my arch was square shaped (flat in front) so rounding it out gave me a little more lip support and is actually making my mouth look a little smaller which is a good thing.

I noticed that when I got my braces off my face has returned ALOT to normal becuase I am not stretching my lips over the brackets. I think it is a good think. Before, with the braces on my face seemed definitely longer and not relaxed if you will.

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:03 am
by orangetammy