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My god it hurts

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:30 am
by zeroprobe
Had my braces on yesterday and my god I cannot put any pressure on my teeth when chewing. Im going to live off Ready Brek Porridge for 18months.

Is this normal??? when it hurts eating soft things also

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:43 am
by zeroprobe
cheers, im lucky with the wax thing as ive had no rubbing on my cheeks lips or anywhere.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:54 am
by amychelle
I thought the same thing the first day too. I promise it will get better, either that or you will get used to it.

My third day I was stubborn enough to tackle fried chicken. We had a potluck at work and I WAS HUNGRY so I got what I WANTED (not what I could eat) and slowly worked my way through it. I tore the chicken off the bones and waller'd it around until I could swallow it. I ate slow and did a lot of the work with my hands. (Fork? Knife? yeah, right... dig in and rip that stuff up. - We only had "sporks" anyway...)

I did have a little mini-breakdown a few days ago though. I was eating potato chips and it was hurting. I teared up and got all girlie and whiney about my teeth and how I was tired of them hurting and when am I gonna be able to eat normal and why don't my teeth meet and why can't I just FRIGGIN EAT???

I'm not going to disalusion you and tell you it all goes away. Braces s*ck. But you deal. It WILL get BETTER (not good, just better... :) )

Hang in there, give it a few days, you'll figure it out.

Some softer but more substantial foods to try:
Chicken and Stars Soup (Chicken Noodle you don't have to chew!)
Yoplait Thick 'n Creamy Yoguart (More filling than the rest of it)
Sliced peaches or pears (mush them with your tounge)
Spam - come on, you know it's good, and already chewed up! At least I didn't say potted meat!
Carnation Instant Breakfast & V8 juice are where I got my Vitamins from when I had my wisdom teeth out (talk about not being able to eat!!!)
Ripe Bananas
Grits (Yes, I'm from the South. Redneck)

Considering you said Porridge, I'm going to assume that you are not from the same region I am (or even country??) but these are things that are readily available at you local Tennessee Super Wal Mart, and the go well with my meager budget as they tend to be cheaper than "normal" food.

Good luck and keep chewing.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:04 am
by zeroprobe
porridge i think is oatmeal :)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:08 am
by cocamo910
This is the best pain in the world! The pain of doing something fantastic for yourself. :)
It's normal, I was eating oatmeal and icecream for 2 weeks and lost weight. You'll get used to it and soon those suckers will be off and you'll have a beautiful smile :)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:13 am
by nvcarissa
Cottage cheese is also a good bet. Eggs are soft and good sources of protein.

Welcome to the club! Really, it does get better!!

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:44 am
by nimo
Thanks to this post I just realized I'll probably be eating a lot of Cream of Wheat, and that just made me really happy. :P I haven't had that stuff in years.

those painful days

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:41 am
by montesser
I guess some people are more lucky than others. It took me about 7 to 8 days before I could even begin to think about biting down anything. The good news is that I lost about 5 lbs. I lived off slimfast and jell-o and even getting the jell-o off the spoon was painful. Now I'm just have a sensitivity to cold, but they say that should were off in a couple of days as well. Good luck with your treatement.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:58 pm
by nvcarissa
It took nearly two weeks for my molars to stop hurting. I mean, it eased off, but the sensitivity was there for quite some time. As for biting a sandwich or pizza or a burger...well, it took quite some time before my front teeth were stable enough to attempt it. I would use a knife and fork to eat burgers and sandwiches.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:36 pm
by Chocoholic
Ouch! My teeth hurt for days when I first got my braces and I just mashed everything up and lived on smoothies.

Still have relapses to a similar starting out pain after some adjustments, but it does get much better. Now I just eat virtually anything and everything apart from really hard foods which I don't have the guts to bite into for fear of popping all my brackets off.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:40 pm
by AustinWired
It took me about a week before I really got back into eating. I lost about 10 pounds, which was awesome! A nice side benefit...

When I needed softer things after adjustments, I tended to go for soups, especially potato and broccoli cheese, baked potatoes, yogurt, pasta dishes, refried black beans on corn tortillas, grilled cheese sandwiches (the bread doesn't get stuck as bad when it's toasted)... a lot of carbs, I know, but that's the breaks sometimes. If you cook fresh veggies long enough, they get soft enough to eat with no trouble- think carrots, broccoli, peas... I also LOOOVE chips and salsa (I live in Austin, TX) and found that most restaurants will bring soft corn tortillas instead of flour, which are much easier to chew through than flour, and they are great for rolling up and dipping as an alternative to tortilla chips.

Another thing I just thought of is polenta. That would be something new to try, and they have quick-cooking varieties that take no time at all. I just saw Rachael Ray make some yesterday, and it looked really good! An alternative to mashed potatoes or rice, which can get annoying.

You might have to get creative... but have fun with it. The pain eventually goes away, and you can eat pretty much anything you used to eat. I even ate popcorn on occasion!