Depressed about being a metal mouth!!!!!

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Depressed about being a metal mouth!!!!!

#1 Post by ChloeAE »

I haven't got mine in yet but I REALLY don't want to!! I feel like I am going to look like an ugly pig with them on ad I still haven't seen any pictures of somebody who I think looks cute with them. I am 13 I am getting mine in 2 days! I will have them until the day I turn 15 (a year and a half) That is TOO LONG FOR ME!!! I never thought my teeth were all that horrible...and if I didn't loose my stupid retainer I wouldn't even need them!!!! anway...I am starting at my new school in a day and I DON'T want everybody to lnow me for having BRACES ugh I have considered not getting them and just getting the invisible ones when I get older...but that doesn't seem so reasonable. UGH. I am going to look awful with them! plus I wanted to have them off before high school! omigosh I am DERPRESSED! HELP. Please nobody yell at me and call me a complainer....just HEEELP!

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#2 Post by jenns91civic »

You are having them at a normal time when most other kids get them. It's no big deal. I wish I had been able to get mine at 13 instead of having to wait until 15, and there are LOADS of people here who would have given a tooth to get theirs at 15 instead of waiting until 25, 35, 45, or even older.

Consider yourself lucky that you are getting them now and by early on in high school you will have a great smile whereas several classmates will still have their braces!

You'll be fine. I suggest you get your new school colors for your ligs or something fun like that. Since you're going to have them, you might as well have fun with it.

Good luck, and hang in there.
Paramedic student

Full Braces (all metal) 5/12/1999 - 4/20/2005
Class II (overjet) on the left only
Upper and Lower Hawleys


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#3 Post by Jenn17780 »

hey ChloeAE,
Don't be depressed. It's tough having braces now, but in 2 years It'll be worth it. Plus, it's better to do it now before you get a job, start dating, etc. Guys notice girls with great smiles! =) In two years, if you bump into someone from high school, you just flash them your amazing smile!! :D I'm sure there's going to be some other kids who will have braces too, so if anything, you can start a conversation with them on how much it sucks?

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#4 Post by TuZZi »

It's cool for kids to have braces now. The ortho I go to says he has kids come into his office who don't even have screwed up teeth, but they want braces because their friends have them.

I wish I had braces when I was younger, but we didn't have the cash for it. I missed out on some fun times in highschool because I was too self conscious about my teeth, and hated smiling. My temperment until this year reflected on that too.... but since I've got braces, I smile a LOT more, and tend to be a lot happier about it.

Don't worry about it.... braces are a healthy part of growing up...

Just some of us don't grow up until later on :D :D
Full On Metal! Aug 31, 2005
4 Bicuspids extracted Sept 26-27 2005
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#5 Post by drazda »

You're very lucky to get braces at 13. VERY lucky.
Braces removed 10 months early on 1/23/07!

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#6 Post by Granola »

You've gotten some good advice here. Although I sympathize, as I wore braces for four years when I was your age (and am getting them again now because I did not wear the positioner they gave me afterwards), I wanted to add that from everything I have read, it is much more painful to wear braces as an adult because the jaw has stopped growing, so you are right to realize that waiting until you are adult isn't the best idea. I am not surprised that you are feeling down about it right now but give it a month or so--you'll probably feel okay about it soon.

I think that as you go forward with it, although it isn't the most fun thing in the world, you won't regret it. You'll probably notice how many other kids have braces (I bet you haven't noticed it much prior to now, just as other people won't notice your braces as much as you think). You may be surprised at what good company you are in (with respect to other kids wearing braces) at your new school.

One thing you will start to learn as you are becoming a young adult is that taking care of yourself, and being good to yourself is much more important than spending all of your time worrying about what others think. You will soon have a wonderful smile for the rest of your life to be proud of. It is probably hard for you to imagine that now, but it's true. You'll be known at your school for what kind of person and friend you are, not for your braces.

And no, you won't look awful at all. You will get used to having them in a few weeks, because you have to. Today's braces are so much more attractive than the ones that were available 25 years ago (all teeth banded!). You will look just fine. Get some colored ligs and make a fashion statement!
Uppers placed 2/8/06--Inspire ICE ceramics
Lower (stainless) placed 2/23/06
Treatment time: 17 months (estimated was 12-18 months)
Debonded: July 11th, 2007
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#7 Post by mackenzie »

Ya I could have had mine when I was 13 but I thought I was too old so I didn't get them. I told my mom I could just live with my teeth. Now I'm 16 and I decided to get them because it bothers me that all my friends have perfect teeth and I don't.

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Now or later

#8 Post by 2XRound »

One good reason to do it now..It HURTS A LOT MORE when you are an adult. :ouch: :ouch: I wore braces when I was your age and it was nothing compared to what its like now. I didn't get a very good job the first time and my teeth have moved around so I am back in braces and despite what you may read in some posts there is a lot more discomfort from moving old teeth around.

[size=150]Alexandra (Alex)[/size][/color]

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#9 Post by T4raegirl »

well I am going to tell you first hand that braces in high school are not bad. I am a senior and have braces but i doesnt matter cuz nobody notices. like today one girl that sits next to me asked if i got braces and i said ya like 2 monthes don't sweat it. plus it was funny i was on a softball team and we all had braces with the ligs black and purple for our team!
*~*Live to LOVE and LOVE to live*~*
CSULB Class of 2010! Go Beach!
BrEa OlInDa HiGh ScHoOl ClaSs Of 2006!

Top Metal Braces: October 20, 2005
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#10 Post by CelestialVoices »

Hi, I'm 21 and just getting them now (Jan 25 2006) and I will have them for 2 years. I'm sorry to see you so depressed but just listen to the advice you get on the forums, we are a group of caring people and you will have plenty of us to share your joys and pains with.
Best of luck to you, :)

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#11 Post by hannah164 »

I know how you feel! I am 16 with braces and sometimes I do feel really ugly! :( I have huge gaps where impacted teeth are supposed to come in, my bottom teeth are very crooked, and my bite is way off! But I just have to remind myself that the smile I will eventually have is worth it all.

People aren't going to know you as someone with braces but for who you are! Braces are just a temporary part of you that will give you a permanent beautiful smile! People understand that and most of them know what you're going through and will be understanding!

Honestly, a year and a half isn't long at all! I will have my braces for 3-4 years at least and I've already been through over 1.5 years with very little progress! :x Doing it at your age is much better because a lot of your friends will have braces and you can go through it together! :)

Good luck and let us know how it goes!



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

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Location: California (land of annoyingly beautiful smiles)

#12 Post by luxekitty »

To be a bit blunt, would you rather be 13 with a cute pair of braces..or 23 with an ugggllly smile? I never smile with my mouth open I even try to talk avoiding showing my 16 you'll already most likely have a gorgeous smile and won't be worrying about such things when you're my age. :)

Braces look really cute on guys and girls, you're teeth will be better in no time, don't be happy!!! :D

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#13 Post by Destor »

You're lucky to be getting your braces so early, only wish that I had this done at that age. It's much, much better to have it done earlier rather than later, doubt you'd find anyone that would disagree with that. The earlier you get it done, the earlier they come off and you can enjoy your new smile, instead of waiting until you're older and then having to deal with Invisalign or anything else, it's still more of a hassle than getting it done now.

It's also easier when you're younger, because when you're 13 well, wearing braces isn't a huge deal. It's when you get into your twenties, and you've got braces on, then you'll really regret not getting them earlier. I sure do!

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#14 Post by Evelyn »

Gosh, I'd give an arm and a leg if I could have that short of a treatment. Count your blessings!!! A year and a half of braces and you get them off when you're 15...that's about as good as it gets! You'll have them off in either your freshman or sophomore year of high school...and then a beautiful smile for life.

It's really not that bad having braces in high school, especially as an underclassman when lots of people have braces. Man I'm so jealous...I'm not kidding when I say that's about as good as it gets! Take the'll be glad you did.

Braced September 9, 2002
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#15 Post by dena »

hey chloeAE--just think,'ll have your braces off before senior pictures or prom or anything else that will happen when you are done with high school!

four bicuspids removed 1/3/06
clear uppers and metal lowers placed 1/5/06
timeframe for braces: 24-30 months

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