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Waiting with kids on first visit

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:27 am
by today53
Hello all,

Newbie here, visit the orthodontic this afternoon. The office was filled with kids and their drawings, I believed that I was the only one with age in double digits among others patients, it was kind of strange.

Anyway, I am a bit concern after speaking to the doc, he said that I could choose to have implant or have two teeth pulled out to make room for the braces. I probably will go for the extraction, but just wondering if anyone went for the implant here in this forum and how does it feel?

Also, anyone get braces from their dentists instead of the orthondontic?


Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:41 am
by momof2grlz
My ortho also does mostly kids (including my daughter). I think his ratio is 75/25 kids to adults. He's known as a perfectionist so I just put up with being the geriatric patient! I try to schedule my adjustments for the morning hours instead of the afternoon when school is over. The office is a little more laid back in the mornings.


Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:52 pm
by amychelle
My dentist is also my ortho, and I also rarely see children in there. But then again I rarely see anyone in there, we almost never have to wait for a room, he's speedy about getting you into a chair, even if you have to wait once you get there.

This could be because there is a very popular pedeactric dentist in town - he's got X-Boxes and GameCubes and toys and games EVERYWHERE, and his office is set up like a huge Monopoly game. "$10 for winning Best Smile Contest" Chance card on the wall, etc. I wish I was a kid.

I don't know about the implant, although it MIGHT have been an option for me, we never really discussed it.