I finally got my new braces 3days ago!!. I wanted it for years and visited a dentist for Invisiline 3years ago (I could have been done by now) However, He was a crook and mislead me with wrong info. He suggested I should get implants on a missing lower molar which was a way of him swiping my FlexSpending account. I have a court date in a small claims over his refusal of the refund......
Anyhow, I am so excited now with my new braces and I keep on looking on the mirror more often. I check the movement as if I can see it in motion...help me to slow my mind down! And also, my bite is now off and I can't chew at all. Would this go away? I am blending soup and shakes.
Got new Braces/anxious/infront of the mirror
Moderator: bbsadmin
- Posts: 28
- Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:31 pm
- Location: Atlanta
YES, the bite thing is normal. I still cannot eat salad, because I can't grind up the lettuce enough to swallow it. Soft foods now work better for chewing, but as the days go by you'll notice it gets easier. I am able to eat alot better in just the past two weeks!!
Also, try cutting things up and putting them in your mouth to chew. That helped alot for me.
Good Luck!!!

YES, the bite thing is normal. I still cannot eat salad, because I can't grind up the lettuce enough to swallow it. Soft foods now work better for chewing, but as the days go by you'll notice it gets easier. I am able to eat alot better in just the past two weeks!!
Also, try cutting things up and putting them in your mouth to chew. That helped alot for me.
Good Luck!!!

16 months in BRACES!
Ceramic Braces on top 7/3/05
Metal Braces on bottom 10/25/05
OFF 11/8/06 - Now in Essix Retainers 24/7

16 months in BRACES!
Ceramic Braces on top 7/3/05
Metal Braces on bottom 10/25/05
OFF 11/8/06 - Now in Essix Retainers 24/7

New braces and anxious
Thanks for the replies. Now it makes me feel good to know that things will be better though the exitement weighed more than the food processing stress.
My middle line is off almost half a teeth due to extracted canines. My left side shifted all the way to the right filling the space of the extraction. It is only obvious to myself but from far my teeth look in perfect condition.
I hated seeing pictures taken from one side and resented my childhood dentist who extracted the canines. I think I am about to forgive him:-) and even the crook Dentist who took my $1500 flex spending savings $$.
I have been through a lot when it comes to this teeth:-) My new Ortho, Dr Yurfest is owesome (good ratings on Dr oogle)
My middle line is off almost half a teeth due to extracted canines. My left side shifted all the way to the right filling the space of the extraction. It is only obvious to myself but from far my teeth look in perfect condition.
I hated seeing pictures taken from one side and resented my childhood dentist who extracted the canines. I think I am about to forgive him:-) and even the crook Dentist who took my $1500 flex spending savings $$.
I have been through a lot when it comes to this teeth:-) My new Ortho, Dr Yurfest is owesome (good ratings on Dr oogle)