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Metal vs. Ceramic

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:20 am
by missing_tooth
Can anyone tell me the differnce between metal and ceramic braces?

I read ceramic are bulkier? Would my mouth protude out more due to ceramics?

I also ready metal is cheaper, any idea how much of a price difference it makes?

Other than looks is there a benifit to ceramics?


RE: Metal vs. Ceramic

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:41 am
by raleighsmile
Hi. I just got my braces put on this past Wednesday (December 14). I have ceramics on the top and metal on the bottom.

If I had it to do over again, I think I would have went all metal. I can barely feel the metal brackets on the bottom. They are MUCH smaller than the ceramic ones.

The ceramic ones are bigger and more block shaped, where the metal are smaller and more rounded.

It is true that the ceramics are less obvious. From a short distance away, you can't even tell they are on my teeth. But, I think I would have been more comfortable with the metal.

My orthodontist charged $200 more for the ceramics.

-Chris (raleighsmile)

Re: Metal vs. Ceramic

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:42 am
by HeadgearJoe
missing_tooth wrote:Can anyone tell me the differnce between metal and ceramic braces?

I read ceramic are bulkier? Would my mouth protude out more due to ceramics?

I also ready metal is cheaper, any idea how much of a price difference it makes?

Other than looks is there a benifit to ceramics?

hi , i had the ceramic's with my first ortho round , i found them to look good but , there bigger thicker an they cut you up a bit more than the metal , i'm in metal now an there smaller easy to get the off had a few moved around by my ortho they came off easy , cost less , an if your orthodontist only use's non coated wires you can allways see wire , an thats why I like the metal better but thats just me , hgjoe

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:49 am
by fins
I think ceramics are usually slightly more in cost than metal. My ceramics don't feel any bigger than my metal. I think some of that has to do with the position your teeth are in. My metal cut more than the ceramics but that is probably because they have tubes and hooks on them. Go with what you like and what your ortho recommends. Good luck.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:08 pm
by brandee987
Hi... I have the Insprire Ice clear brackets and I think they are pretty comfortable.. I dont feel like they are sharp except the hook for the elastics seem sharper than the hooks on my metal brackets.. I think the Ice brackets are more low profile than other clear brackets, but my lip sticks out...i have an overbite so it sticks out anyway.... maybe ask your ortho what clear brackets he uses... I would go with whatever your ortho recommends for your best treatment.. Good LUCK!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:11 pm
by missing_tooth
Go with what you like and what your ortho recommends. Good luck.
Still trying to decide. I'm guess the ortho I went to said ceramics because I'm adult. Although I'm sure if I specified metal it wouldn't be a problem. I think I'm leaning tward metal. I know I want bright green ligs. I'm pretty sure I'll braces proud.

** edit **
Forgot to ask, could one be alergic to metal? I know I'm very sensitive to things like purfumes and the like, and have alergys.

// Avoids the department store cosmetic sections like the plauge

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:07 pm
by Ariesinatl
I've had my braces for a week now. I only have uppers, all metal. I had read alot about needing wax and lip cuts and what not, but I haven't had much discomfort at all. I have 3m uniteks, which I think are just standard metal braces. As far as allergies if you're allergic to stainless steel or nickel you might have a problem. I think the price difference for ceramics for me was around 400 extra dollars.. I had already decided to get metal but I asked anyway.

Btw I'm 34.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 5:03 pm
by Keith
I know this is a debatable topic, but I have ceramic on the top and my ortho said I would take about 4 months off of treatment time by switching to metal. I really wish I just went with metal.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 5:19 pm
by weird_wired
I love the fact that with ceramic, the upper brace really is invisible most of the time. Even up close.

I think I would get really sick of having the metal showing for 1-2 years. At least this way, I get a choice of looking "brace free" if a photo session or something comes up.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 12:38 am
by Natasha_26

I have ceramic on my uppers as well as lowers. Most people didnt even notice that I had braces until I talked to them.

As for treatment time being longer with ceramics compared to metal, I dont think its true. I guess the reason given for longer treatment time is that ceramics dont hold arch wires properly. I have ceramics in which there was a silver lining which gives the same hold to arch wires as metals.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:04 pm
by dena
Kiwi_Karen and Natasha_26--

thanks for those last optimistic posts. I'm getting ceramice uppers and metals lowers. My otho also didn't ask what I wanted--he said he always factored in the price for clear braces on top for adults. And my quote was more reasonable than the other orthos I saw, so I figured that was great. But I know a lot of people are down on the ceramics...I suppose it's really just that everyone has different experiences. Anyway, I'm happy that my braces will be clear and I appreciate some of the positive comments, too!

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 11:52 pm
by Granola
I am pretty certain that I am getting ceramic uppers, and metal lowers also when I am braced next month. Although I have read a lot of negative comments here on the boards about ceramics, I have also read a number of positive comments. I initially planned on getting all metal, but after talking to my orthodontist, I am quite certain I'll get ceramic on the top. They (I will have two orthos who operate as a team) do not feel it will slow my treatment to have them on the uppers, and since they do not charge any more for ceramics on top than metal, I feel it is a fairly balanced opinion on their part. They use Inspire ICE ceramics (and white wire ties instead of ligs), and after looking at them and feeling them, I don't feel they are sharper than the stainless brackets, though of course all of the ceramics I've looked at are larger.

I wore metals for four years as a teen (all bands, no less), and now want something less visible (in my opinion, for me) since I'm having to do this all again.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:50 am
by yiiiikes
i have ceramics on top and bottom. 90% of the time, i like them. you can't even see them in pictures usually =)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:46 am
by swan
Natasha_26 wrote:Hi,

I have ceramic on my uppers as well as lowers. Most people didnt even notice that I had braces until I talked to them.
I have metal. Still most people didn't notice that I had braces until I talked to them...

The price difference for me was $1200.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:53 am
by jenns91civic
Exactly. Even with metal most people are not going to notice them. Unfortunately that also means people don't notice when you get them off. I had metals for 6 years and the day after I got them off, I was at a meeting for a club I'm in, and no one noticed, not even family members.