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Another extraction question....

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:54 pm
by lesdents
Hey guys!

Okay, I'm officially one week past my extractions, and healing just fine as far as I can tell. I just got the metal bands and more braces to start closing the top gaps.

However: it was horribly painful on one side of the mouth because the tooth next to one extraction site is incredibly tender. It was excruciating, and it still hurts even to brush it lightly.

Did any of you have teeth near the extracted ones hurt a lot? I think it MUST be related, like because they shared a common nerve or something? I'm just hoping it doesn't mean that part of the bone or nerves are exposed.

Anyone have a simlilar pain? The other side is fine...

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 3:43 pm
by **shinyhappybraceface**
I did. After having four impacted wisdom teeth out, I had horrible pain on my bottom left part of my mouth. It hurt to bite or chew anything, even after the *other* pains had subsided. When I went for my follow up, I asked if the doctor could see any cracks in my teeth (xray) because I was sure he must have smacked a couple of others with his big hands...

They were only tender for a few days after that - he was thinking that maybe it was the teeth trying to move into my empty space. It was awful, but it's much MUCH better now. I can finally eat again.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 1:07 pm
by genxsis
It happened to me too. It was painful to chew on a tooth right next to an extraction site. Eventually, after a week or so, it got better. I might be that the soreness of the gum around the extraction spreads to the teeth around it.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 1:30 pm
by Megera_S
After my extractions the most painful part for me was jaw and tooth pain. I figured since my teeth were packed so tightly they were all relaxing a bit and moving into the gaps. It was also a couple of weeks before I could eat food properly without it hurting the extraction sites etc.

I also think that if you got your extractions done then were braced right away it would be a tad more painful.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:08 pm
by genxsis
That's what I think too--wait awhile for things to heal before getting braced. Give yourself a break! That's what I'm doing now, even though my dentist said I could start getting braced right away after he did my last extractions. I think I'm going to give it a month.