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Pics of my bands and questions...¿how long does it hurt?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:46 pm
by gsx
Hello everybody!
Since thursday being in this bands and still can't eat bred or meat... How this nice colored bands can make the teeth hurt so much? Also I have found that the teeth has moved, molars impact each other in other points rather than before....

this is the teeth that some people thinks is okey, from the outside, before I ask them to see the underbite...

Side view

upper jaw (the left bands were in only only a pair of hours...
lower jaw

Re: Pics of my bands and questions...¿how long does it hurt

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:22 pm
by brittonrs26
You currently have spacers, which I believe is the worst part of getting braces(I think most people here would agree with me). They will make room between your teeth so that your orthodontist can place bands on them. I was in terrible pain for about 3 days and was eating soft foods for the entire time I was wearing them. Taking some non-prescription pain relievers (or maybe a few glasses of wine) should help some, but you will most likely not be able to eat any hard foods until the spacers come out.

Keep hanging in there--the worst of it will be over before you know it.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:18 pm
by gsx
thanks for your replies. Ortho said there were no problem if the spacers came out, and highlighted it. Next appointment is on thursday, they were supposed to put me in the brackets... the day after christmas dinner... :(
So the feeling of disconform is going on thrusday... thats ok as long as brackets are supposed to hurt less..


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:01 am
by TuZZi
Spacers for me weren't a big deal, until the 2nd and 3rd day I had them in. But what it comes down to, is when the time came for the bands to go on, there was enough room for the metal to slide right on there, and it was relatively painless, except for hitting a nerve here and there while the teeth were ultra-sensitive from the spacers.

Look at it this way.... it's hurting a lot with the spacers because it's a big obtrusive object getting stuck between your teeth, and it's a lot wider than the metal is going to be, but in order to slide it on, you need more room. When you get your braces, your teeth won't have to move as fast as they did in the spacers, so it won't hurt as much.