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Metal Braces / Colors

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:10 pm
by missing_tooth
I spoke with my ortho assistant today. I asked about metal / ceramic. She told me half of my top teeth would have to have metal, but after a few month they can change them to ceramic. I could tell she was trying not to alarm me. She was pushing the ceramics saying metal could make me look younger. ( That's a bad thing? )

I also found out metal braces cost 400 less. I then told her I had a more pressing serious question. I informed her I would have to have colors.

ps. Appointments got rearranged and tomorrow I have a dental apt , ortho apt, and oral surgeon apt. Wow.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:07 pm
by Braceface121905
Whoa your busy! Well, I just got ceramics put on today, and I love them already! You should pay the extra $400, because it's worth it, trust me! :tingrin:

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:39 pm
by jenns91civic
If you want colors, save the $400 and get metals. Some colors look okay on ceramics (some look cool) but with brackets less visible, the colors can look funny.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:51 pm
by missing_tooth
ou should pay the extra $400, because it's worth it, trust me!
Just wondering why you feel it is worth 400 extra? I'm guessing it depends if your self conscious about braces?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:17 pm
by swan
I wouldn't pay extra for the ceramics, especially if you are going to get colors anyway.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:37 pm
by missing_tooth
Anyone think metal would make one look childish? The ortho assist really pushed ceramic as job hunting, would give me a more professional conservative look.

Like I mentioned I still have to have metal on left half of uppers anyway for a few months.

** Add on **

Ceramics seem a bit bigger. Seems to be a toss up between comfort for teeth vs looks.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:15 am
by dena
missing_tooth, it sounds like you are still leaning towards the metals, and I think you should do that if you want. I will be getting ceramics, but my ortho doesn't charge extra for them on adults, so it's not a price issue for me. But $400 is a lot of money to save.

People judge us, and at a job interview, I'm sure metal will be more visible than clear. However, it is blatant discrimination for someone to judge you as unprofessional for having metal braces! (Not that people aren't like that, but it's still not okay.)

The only thing that occurs to me is that you may want to select more conservative colors for your ligs while job searching...light colors instead of flourescents maybe?

If you have to have metal on half anyway, I'd stick with all metal if that is fine with you and only go with ceramics if you really had your heart set on those.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 5:23 am
by OnMyWay
I don't understand why anyone would want ceramics. It's not like the ceramics completely hide the fact that you have braces. I work in a very professional office setting where everyone is very accepting that I have braces. They could either care less or love to share their own experiences. I don't think job hunting will be any different for you. Any potential interviewers will not be deterred because of metal braces.

The fact that ceramic braces take longer was also a big concern for me. I thought about how I would feel at the end of treatment. I could imagine telling myself over and over that if I had just chose metal braces I would have had them off three months ago. Not a pleasant thought.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:14 am
by OnMyWay
Everything I have ever read during my research has indicated ceramic braces will extend treatment time. The three orthos I spoke with during my consultations also said the same. Do you have a source where I can read about these "new and improved" ceramic brackets you talk about?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:52 am
by missing_tooth
I'm guess much of it varies from case to case, and how much movement need to be done. But what would I know.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:07 pm
by eoberhauser
One of the main things I have noticed about having braces is that I care way more about them then anyone else. As adults, I think that we build ourselves up for so long that it seems like such a life or death situation. Most people you encounter will not notice, or not care. Those who do notice are usually people who have had braces and just want to "talk shop". I am a 28 year old female with all metal. I love my braces. I waited this long and I am determined to enjoy these two years. I am very proud of taking this step in my life and feel no need to hide it. Do what makes you comfortable. Braces ROCK!