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still feeling out of sorts

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:13 pm
by hanna
I got my braces on the 14th, so it's been 6 days now and I still feel so blah. I usually work out religiously and since I got the braces I have felt like crud and haven't worked out at all. Not a bit. I just feel so blah and have a constant headache lately. I wonder if I have new brace depression or something? I need to snap out of it. Anyone else gone through something similar when they first got their braces?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:21 pm
by Cynthia1251
I just got my braces put on yesterday, and nothing seems to be working right. I have a cold sore on my lip that isn't healing at all...and to top it off, these braces are killing my teeth. I didn't think it was going to be this bad!

I have wax pretty much on every bracket because it's poking my skin so hard. I already have a few sores in my mouth. i hate this. :oops:

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:28 pm
by hanna
Cynthia1251 wrote:I just got my braces put on yesterday, and nothing seems to be working right. I have a cold sore on my lip that isn't healing at all...and to top it off, these braces are killing my teeth. I didn't think it was going to be this bad!

I have wax pretty much on every bracket because it's poking my skin so hard. I already have a few sores in my mouth. i hate this. :oops:
I feel the same. I had to go see my ortho again cause I got ulcers on my tongue from the TPA. I explained to him that if I had really known it would have been this bad I might have decided against braces.

My sores are going away, so that part is getting better.

He told me this story about "Joe" and how "joe" came to him after 4 days of braces extremely irate and told him to "remove the braces now". He said he explained to him that if he could give it two weeks and if after two weeks he still wanted them off, he would remove them and give him all his money back. Joe came back to get his braces removed after two years...he finished his treatment...and ended up with a beautiful smile. That was my orthos pep talk! hehehe

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:20 pm
by brandee987
Hang in there!! I have been braced for 3 weeks and I thought I was going to use wax forever! After about a week and half I no longer needed wax. Now I hardly notice my braces at all until I go to eat. They feel normal now.. I never thought I would get used to them but I have...

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:34 am
by dkt3
The first few weeks are tough and you will still have a hard day here and there or even a few days (Ive had braces for five months and three weeks today!) Last week I was ready to rip these things off but the next day after wax and salt rinses it was back to normal.

Braces are annoying and they suck but the changes are worth it and I think everyone on here would agree. Some of the after pictures of some people are inspiring!!

So just wait a few days or weeks and it gets better. I know its easy to say but it always gets better. When I get annoyed with them I eat icecream and focus on something other than my teeth.