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First few days in braces

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:30 pm
by calley03
Hey everybody I got braced on Monday and am strating to adjust. I ate out for the first time today at Taco Bell, and was very nervous, but survived. I am feeling more comfortable with them on, and eating, but still am afraid I will break them sometimes. I have not been in any pain at this point really, but I still can't really chew. I don't know if it is normal to be tender while chewing, but from reading on here I think it is. I am constantly afraid that I am not cleaning them enough, but I use my waterpik a couple times a day, and brush after I eat anything. Anyway, I think I have had it pretty easy so far, but I hope it gets better, I am having a little trouble talking, and have been trying to practice chewing by chewing some gum (my ortho gave me sugar free in my goodie bag). Anyway I am trying to hang in there and I hope it gets better by weekend.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:38 pm
by gracie381
It will get better. After I got my braces it took about a week before I started eating normally again. I try not to worry about breaking anything, they can always fix whatever. I had my 2nd adjustment last Friday and it's took until today (Thursday) for me to start eating normally again. Mostly I've had no pain at all just tenderness when I eat right after adjustments. It gets better though. As far as everything else, I rarely notice my braces much anymore. I try not to worry about cleaning all the time. I brush with my Sonicare in the mornings and use mouthwash (usually Listerine), and then I brush after I eat lunch. At night I floss with my hydro floss and then I use my Sonicare and then I use a manual brush after that. Then I use some kind of flouride mouthwash (either ACT or the samples the ortho gives me). If I snack during the day, I usually just rinse with water or use my little tree brush to get anything that may be stuck in my teeth. Don't worry it all gets better with time. Hey look at the bright side, I've only had mine for a short time and I'm already used to them. Hang in there :D

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:51 pm
by Liza Bee
Hi Calley,
I began my orthodontics this month, too. I have upper and lower braces, and palatal and lingual expanders (Series 2000) so my speaking ability is awful right now. I'm told that will improve but it's hard for me to imagine. Food is the big challenge right now. I have lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks. Good luck to you.