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Do you notice imperfect teeth more often now?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:03 pm
by ronni
Since I got my braces put on in August, I have realized that I notice when people's (mostly celebrities) teeth are crooked more often. Like Poppy Montgomery for example, I have watched Without a Trace since the first episode and never realized that her teeth weren't perfect (mainly her bottom teeth) until after wearing braces.

Also, Jessica Simpson. I know from another post that alot of people think she has the most beautiful teeth, but to me, it looks like she needs braces.

Anyway, just wondering if anyone else notices things like this more often now that you are in braces.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:26 pm
by michael33
yip, all the time. Look at Ethan Hawke, his are severely crooked

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 4:14 pm
by hannah164
Oh I definitely notice everyone's teeth more after braces! I feel like I'm way too judgemental of other people's teeth. :oops: A lot of movie stars have beautiful white smiles but they are way crooked. :?

The funny thing is that most of the time when I see people with braces their teeth are usually pretty straight. It kind of bugs me and makes me feel like my teeth are even more crooked. :(

-Hannah :frogbraces:


Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:28 pm
by calley03
I seem to notice people all the time too, even people in my everyday life. The person I seem to notice most on Georgia Fox, a detective on CSI. She has a huge gap between her upper teeth. Anyway, maybe I am just overly critical now :)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:26 pm
by megan_in_pink
yes all the ime
yea sara on csi has a big gap

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:12 pm
by felicity_and_reece_mommie
I have been working at a dentist office since April and I notice peoples teeth all the time. I feel judgemental too but after looking in peoples mouths all day long it just becomes normal to look at everyones teeth. I won't get braces until Jan. 9th and I will probably notice more then. Yes I agree with you all on Sara that plays on CSI she does have a huge gap and you know that she could get it fix, it's not like she can't afford it or anything. That is with any celebrity for that matter!

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 8:07 pm
by dena
sam waterston on law & order. i also agree with the jessica simpson comment...her teeth are pretty straight, but she looks like she didn't have braces.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 8:54 pm
by Lyn
Hey There :-1

Not only am I "teeth" obsessed, I am making my family obsessed too!!! I look at everyone's teeth - - on TV, in the Mall, everywhere we go. My kids are sick of hearing it - - but now they have joined in on the fun of "looking"!! PLUS, I am totally glued to the mirror (not of course looking at ME, but looking at my teeth.) Do they have food stuck, are they moving, are my ligs getting stained again, etc. etc. etc.

YIKES!! I hope this madness stops soon......he he he :jokerlaugh:


Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 9:32 pm
by BlueeyedManda
I can totally agree with the fact I notice everyone's teeth now. I don't stare at people or make things obviously but alot of time I see some real crooked teeth and that could be me if I didn't grab up the courage and take this plunge. As uncomfortable as the process is, will be more than well worth it.
I don't know how many of you are friends fans but David Schwimmer has a big gap between his front teeth, I never noticed it until later seasons....but it's getting more obvious.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:14 am
by Destor
calley03 wrote:I seem to notice people all the time too, even people in my everyday life. The person I seem to notice most on Georgia Fox, a detective on CSI. She has a huge gap between her upper teeth. Anyway, maybe I am just overly critical now :)
I noticed her gap right off the bat, before getting braces, but her space between those teeth is pretty wide, espescially for someone starring on a massively popular show. No offense to her at all or anything, she's pretty good looking even with that gap, but she'd deffinately benifit from having it closed up.

I did notice another character on CSI that has less than perfect teeth though, after getting braces, have you taken a close look at Grissom's? He has some serious crowding on the bottom row.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 10:02 pm
by Jesslzz 01
Yes, I'm teeth obsessed too. The other day I saw a really old movie with Tom Cruise and wow, I had never noticed before how crooked his teeth were. Good for him now he is braced!

I agree with you, BlueeyedManda, when I see somebody with really bad teeth I think the same..."that could be me". I'm glad I'm on this braces journey! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 10:03 pm
by Jesslzz 01
Yes, I'm teeth obsessed too. The other day I saw a really old movie with Tom Cruise and wow, I had never noticed before how crooked his teeth were. Good for him now he is braced!

I agree with you, BlueeyedManda, when I see somebody with really bad teeth I think the same..."that could be me". I'm glad I'm on this braces journey! :D

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:52 am
by brandee987
Not only am I "teeth" obsessed, I am making my family obsessed too!!! I look at everyone's teeth - - on TV, in the Mall, everywhere we go. My kids are sick of hearing it - - but now they have joined in on the fun of "looking"!! PLUS, I am totally glued to the mirror (not of course looking at ME, but looking at my teeth.) Do they have food stuck, are they moving, are my ligs getting stained again, etc. etc. etc.
THis is me too Lyn!!!!!!!!! I am a tooth-looking-fanatic! :D

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:20 am
by littleshaddies
Since I started the process of consultation and teeth extractions I haven't stoped going on about it. Day one in braces and my best friend saw me and said they look great. Now she has seen the movement and became aware of her two crooked teeth on the bottom. Yes, she is having braces put on early next year.
Everyday I look at someone's smile and think "that is thanks to braces" or "that so needs braces" :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:45 pm
by smiley
Yeah, I've become quite the "critic" since I got my braces on - always checking out everyones teeth. No matter how great the smile, seems I see lots of scrambled lower teeth.