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wisdom teeth question

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:37 pm
by christinam0615
I have to get my wisdom teeth out but I decided to wait until my dh comes home from Iraq because I don't want to be in pain when he gets home.He will be home really soon so I will probably get them taken out 1-2 weeks after he gets home.My question is for those who had thier wisdom teeth taken out how bad was the pain afterwards and how many days were you in pain after it was done?Thanks everyone.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:51 pm
by samantha_lou
Happy to report no real pain, just mild discomfort for a couple of days and I was eating the night I got out of hospital after the surgery (went in as an outpatient for the day). It was just more awkward than anything, it didn't hurt to eat, I was just hyper aware of it and how much I was moving my jaw and what was going towards the new holes in my gums.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:16 pm
by johnnys_angel
I stayed on the (very addictive, BTW) narcotic pain pills they gave me for about three days out of sheer 'wimpiness'. After that I was basically just puffy and stiff for about a week (I had the GA), but once I bit on something with one of the sockets-OW! Don't do that :D

Good luck and have fun with dh when he gets home safe and sound :)

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:37 pm
by Betty Bat
I had one wisdom tooth pulled (upper left side) and one residual baby tooth pulled (lower left side). I had a full anesthetic, so I didn't feel anything while it was happening, but there is always the residual spaciness after the anesthetic. And, you can't drive immediately afterward, so you do need a ride home.

I took one pain pill that afternoon and nothing beyond that. I ate soft food for a few days - my husband was very sympathetic and made the best chicken casserole and chicken soup, which kept me going for a while. And, I didn't brush very hard in the area for a week or so.

But, as in everything related to braces and life in general, you may have a different experience. But, I can tell you that I sailed through. And, I'm a big wussie who doesn't like anything associated with needles and pain.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:10 am
by hanna
I had four impacted wisdom teeth removed and some other tooth that was hidden, but revealed with the x-rays.

That day was horrible, but I think that night I popped some pain pills and went clubbing! DO NOT do that! I was a foolish 21 yr old and ended up with dry socket on the bottom left side.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:15 am
by amychelle
My wisdom teeth removal was a horror story. (But not typical from what I can tell.) I got edema in my left check from the "trauma" that was caused. He had a really hard time getting all four of them out. My top ones had not surfaced and the roots had hooked around behind my other teeth. My bottom ones were partially surfaced but were also hooked.

*Edema - swelling due to fluid accumilation in soft tissue. ICK! My cheek felt like a big ole wet sponge. And sounded like it too! I went to rub under my eye the next morning and heard this *SQUISH!!!* Just imagine mashing a wet sponge. It was so swollen that I couldn't get my mouth open enough to get any real food in there for several days. (I had to level off my spoon eating yoguart!)

Plus! The way he had to cut to get into it to get it out, I was stiched up funny which caused it to pull if I would open very far. It is still a little tight on one side sometimes.

OH! and they forgot to get a stich out. GRRR.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:47 pm
by johnnys_angel
Yikes, they didn't give you dissovable stitches, Amychelle?! Ow :(

Christinam, you will be fine. And if it does turn out to be a not-so-fun experience, it will all be over within a week or so :) good luck!

P.S.: Congrats on quitting smoking, amychelle :D! That could not have been an easy thing to do.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:14 pm
by christinam0615
Thanks everyone

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:10 am
by Chocoholic
The bottom wisdom teeth were much worse than the top. But overall just a couple of days of pain and swelling then not too bad. Just don't eat peanuts like I did, those darn things get stuck in the holes!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:50 pm
by luxekitty
The first 3-4 days were pretty awful but after that I felt better rather quickly. My wisdom teeth were not impacted though. The first 2-3 nights I had to sleep with a towel on my pillow and I pretty much ate soup but after a week and a half I was back to normal. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:19 pm
by Jade
I had a terrible time getting mine out....

I went to get them done by students at the University, and they wouldn't put me to sleep there. I was awake the whole time. The couldn't get the needles to freeze my lower jaw, so they gave me all the needles they could for my weight, and had to start giving me another kind of anasthetic to try and get it to freeze, they couldn't and ended up having to break them and pull them out while I could feel most of it. I left pretty "doped" up.

I was out of commision for about 3 days really bad, but I had to go back to work on the 4th, so I had to suck it up.. lol After about a week I was feeling more normal, for 3or 4 days I ate nothing but breakfast shakes...

just take a few days off to rest, I'm sure you're experience will not be as terrible as mine... just try to get put under anesthetics so you don't have to be awake for the whole thing.. cause that was just terrible for me!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:24 pm
by dena
I was also awake for mine...I think that was frankly due to lousy insurance. Anyway, the extraction of the wisdom teeth wasn't too bad for me. I mean, I could tell what they were doing because I was 'awake' but I was so drugged it just didn't matter.

Now, my recovery took over a month BECAUSE when I had a skin reaction to the antibiotic four days later, the oral surgeon just told me to stop taking them...and then I developed an infection. I'm sure it's not comparable to dry sockets which are supposed to be death but I was in PAIN. I slept almost 18 hours a day because the advil and other pain meds didn't cut the pain and I couldn't stand being awake. Once they figured out what was going on, the pain was better, but it took a few weeks before I was back to normal. It would have been a flawless experience without that--just make sure you take your antibiotics!!