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asymmetrical extraction

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:18 pm
by Bracefaced
Hi all!! Great site!!
I have a question that I cannot find any information on (whether on the net or through the search tool). I figured if I asked here, I could possibly get an answer…

My ortho has suggested that I have my first bicuspid extracted on the upper jaw so that my right fang/canine/eye tooth (oh my) can move in its place since it’s sitting pretty high up on my gums…
However, this seems odd that I have only one removed as I’m reading usually the pair is done or even both pairs (top and bottom) for an even smile. My biggest concern is a deviation in my midline and although I know that a perfect 100% smile is sometimes not possible, I do not want to have a “bricks-on-the-wallâ€

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 5:05 pm
by dena
Bracefaced--I can only say that when I visited orthos at first (I saw 3 initially) one suggested removing one of my bottom front teeth (so I'd only have 3 little ones in the front, not four...sorry for the ignorant language--I don't know my teeth yet!) I totally didn't like that idea because it seemed super weird, though he assured me that no one would really notice.

Well, I didn't go with that ortho, and the one I picked will ONLY brace with matching extractions. Yesterday I had 4 bicuspids removed--so it will all be even.

I would definitely check this out if it's uncomfortable for you. Maybe it's really standard but I understand why it seems weird. good luck!