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My gums are growing over my brackets and

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:59 pm
by rangerchic
I called the ortho and they said it was from lack of brushing, I don't believe this is true. My gums on some of the teeth mostly the back ones are just growing around them. What does this mean?


Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:11 pm
by mackenzie
Mine kind of did that in the back, they're not growing, just swelling up from the stress of moving and everything. (I think, hopefully someone else can confirm?)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:23 pm
by ronni
I feel like mine are doing the same thing. Just over my molar bands. It doesn't hurt, but kinda worries me. :shock: I don't see how I could brush any more than I do now. I brush after every meal, sometimes, 4-5 times a day

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:18 pm
by spragers
I have several areas where the gums have swelled up from the presence of the bands and brackets. Extra brushing / massaging of the gums might help, but mine aren't too terrible yet after over 2 years with braces on. WHen the brackets and bands come off, things should return to normal fairly quickly... I hope :)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:18 pm
by lioninthelake
This is something you should get looked at during your next visit. I had this happen in one spot after a year and a half with no problems and it turns out a piece of cement had dislodged and gotten stuck under my gum. :yikes:

The ortho removed it and my gum went back to normal.

Be sure you're flossing really well back there, even though it's a real pain for the far back molars. I think the swelling might be indicative of something being where it shouldn't - food debris, cement debris, plaque, whatever.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 5:28 am
by weird_wired
Mine have done this, particularly at the back.

It was actually a good thing for me, because it recovered a bit of exposed tooth neck that has caused extreme temperature sensitivity for over a year.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:18 am
by felicity_and_reece_mommie
I'm a dental assistant and I've seen this twice. You need to have a Gingivectomy. It is really gross the gums grow over the braces and we had to take a scapel and cut the gum tissue that was over the braces on top and bottom. It was kind of bloody. It is caused from not brushing well or flossing well. You need to contact your regular dentist.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:28 am
by Marzipan
I asked my ortho about this and she said that sometimes the molar bands will become slightly sub-gingival (I think that's the word she used). It sounded normal.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:23 pm
by strugglebuggy
I am SO glad this topic has come up. I brush at least 3 times a day. I feel like my gum between my two back molars is "squished", if you will, between the band and my powerchains sometimes. I thought it was a freak of but it sounds that it's pretty common. I'll mention it at my next appointment, but I have a feeling it's just because things are moving around. Thanks!

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:08 am
by eurydice
My two molar bands on the bottom have done exactly the same thing, I really freaked out about it to start with but the ortho said not to worry, her exact words were... "Don't worry, we're not going to leave you like that!!". That was about 4 months ago and although the bands are still sunk into the gums, they haven't gone any deeper and seem quite settled. I use a floss threader to get the gunk out and make sure I used a good mouthwash. Don't worry!! It will be all right!


Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:35 am
by Brooke
This seems to happen with mostly everyone. My ortho has also seen that my gums were somewhat swollen, and didnt seem to mention it. I think it just comes with the territory of having metal bands shoved into your gums. :roll:


Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:13 am
by rangerchic
Well I go to the ortho tomorrow so we will see what this is all about! Weird enough I just had a sinus infection and was on levaquin, my gums have went down a little, but when I floss they bleed like crazy b/c I have to cut into them when I floss! OUCH and GROSS! THings are going good its been about 6mths, my gap where I had a lower center tooth pulled is closing up well! Thanks


Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:34 am
by johnnys_angel
When I had braces, my gums came 'down' (and up on the lower arch, I a lot and I was really freaked out, especially in the back. My orthodontist said that since they weren't puffy, bloody, or red that it was just the 'usual' gum irritation and that it would return to normal within a week of my debanding. It turns out he was right, in my case :)

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:35 am
by johnnys_angel
When I had braces, my gums came 'down' (and up on the lower arch, I a lot and I was really freaked out, especially in the back. My orthodontist said that since they weren't puffy, bloody, or red that it was just the 'usual' gum irritation and that it would return to normal within a week of my debanding. It turns out he was right, in my case :)

Re: My gums are growing over my brackets and

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 6:44 pm
by bearkdoa
I've had braces for just over 4 years (So ready to get them off...) and my gums do this as well. I try not to touch it, but sometimes I let it bleed, and that will let the swelling down a bit. It swells around my back bracket that connects to my molar. Orajel (sp) is my best friend. numb up your mouth for a few hours, and soon enough you'll forget about it, and it'll stop hurting. Just keep going!