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The story of my bicuspid extractions and a blood clot

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:30 am
by Jesslzz 01

Warning! This post can be a little gross :?
I had 2 first bicuspids extracted yesterday. I was amazed how quickly was everything, and it didn't hurt at all. I walked out the ortho's office feeling a little pain, but once I got home and took the little pill my ortho gave me, I felt ok!

I removed the gauze out of the gaps at about 4 hours after the extractions. I kept bleeding but I couldn't stand the feeling of the wet gauze in my mouth, so I took it out, and the bleeding started slowing down. I ate ice cream for dinner and went to bed, everything was ok.

But this morning I woke up with a strange feeling. I slowly passed my tongue over the sites and...what? I had a huge blood clot over the left gap. The right side was ok, the little clot over that site seemed normal to me. But the left was like my teeth had grew up again in coagulated blood! (It's gross, but that was how I felt it, sorry) :oops:

I made a search through this forum and couldn't find anything similar, so I started to freak out, thinking that all this was my fault for taking out the gauze (I couldn't remember the time the ortho told me it would be ok to take that out). I took a deep breath and I called him.

I was expecting to hear a "it's normal, let it be", but he instructed me to remove it! Ahhhh...I ran to the bathroom and started to cry. I don't know how I did it, but I surprisingly was able to remove a big part of this thing in a gently manner, and now it looks exactly like the other side.
I'm so happy that it went well, it didn't hurt and I'm feeling great.

I needed to share this experience with you...and I also think it might be useful for some people, because I didn't find any reference about this when I did the search. Anyone had a similar experience?

Now the gappy feeling is really annoying, but the good news is that my next appointment and maybe B-day is next monday!!! :D :D :D

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:58 pm
by dena
Wow, Jesslzz --I feel badly for you. I actually had four extractions yesterday myself, though I think I'm doing biggest problem is that I'm getting little bits of food caught no matter how hard I try not to...I just keep drinking liquids and swishing gently, and it's helping. Take care, and let us know how you're feeling. (The gaps are really weird!)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:27 am
by Brooke
Wow... I don't know how you managed to remove that! I would have gotten very dizzy, as I do not deal with blood to well. I would've been like "you expect me to remove this!!!??"

You are very brave, :o

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:02 pm
by airxjordan24
i had two lower bicuspids exracted today. it has been 5 hours since the extraction and i am still getting moderate bleeding. how long will it take for the bleeding to stop?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 7:37 pm
by sydsmom
I think everyone is different, but I remember being surprised by how long my extraction sites bled, too...It was several hours, decreasing slowly with time. I finally got tired of sucking on bloody gauze so I stopped using it and it seems like that's when the bleeding finally stopped. That, and I got a freezing-cold smoothie for dinner! (ate it with a spoon since I was told not to use a straw).

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 7:48 pm
by lesdents
Yeah, my extraction sites took FOREVER to stop bleeding. I freaked out about it and really thought I was going to get dry socket because I take the BC pill. (That increases the risk...)

But it stopped, I calmed down, and now the gums have almost filled in the hole!

It's really scary, I know, but now you have really gross, bloody holes to show people to impress them! haha!

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:55 pm
by airxjordan24
lesdents... how long did it take for your extractions to heal?

i havent really eaten anything except some blended protein shakes. i tried eating some soft foods, and it feels really weird with two holes on my mouth :(