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Ur experiences with staining

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:54 am
by the_bufster84
Hey guys,

Iv heard of curry staining white/pale ligs but i was wondering if anyone had a list of other foods that stain them so i know what to avoid

thanks alot

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:09 am
by kirst1583
Hi there,
For me the main thing I notice that stains are oranges. Of course that doesn't stop me from eating them though. I never worry about staining. I have ceramic brackets with clear powerchains... I figure whilst not an attractive look when they do stain, it's not as though people can't tell it's just your braces and not your teeth.
I can't think of any other "problem" foods at the moment but will write again if some come to mind!

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:14 am
by weird_wired
Red wine
Tomato sauce/soup
Strong tea
Ribena/dark currant juices
Soy sauce

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:04 pm
by BlueeyedManda
Wow, now I would have never though of oranges staining, thanks for the hint. I am a big Iced Tea drinker, and I have learned to use a straw even with my snapple bottles. I don't have too many staining problems but I have been using the Arm and Hammer Proxy Care toothpaste someone had recommended on here months back. Just a few days ago I saw someone say that they liked one of Colegates new toothpastes and I am going to pick some of that up.
I do know pizza sauce is big I sometimes do white pizza and that solves that. I also use alfredo sauce with pasta more than tomato sauce. I guess I wouldn't be a big helper in this department...I have wheat allergies so I don't eat this stuff alot.

Tea vs. coffee

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:48 pm
by Betty Bat
Does anyone know if tea stains the ligs worse than coffee? When I first got my braces, there was a lot of talk about coffee staining, but not as much about tea. I know that tea stains my kitchen counter worse than the coffee (don't ask), but does it have the same effect on the ligs? Is green tea different than the black?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:36 pm
by Entropy
I drink a lot of coffee and my powerchain and ligs get yellow especially when I drink it black.
My wife suggested that I rinse my teeth with hydrogen peroxide. I know that it's a bleaching agent so it just might work but I'm wondering about the mouth of foam or damage.
Has anyone else tried it?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:14 am
by weird_wired
I shouldn't rinse your teeth with anything unless it is being marketed as a dental product. Peroxide (in different forms) is often the active ingredient in dental whitening products, but in specially measured dilutions.

Some people have reported that whitening toothpastes help improve stained ligs a little.

But at the end of the day: you are a big coffee drinker, they are going to stain unless you use a straw. I would recommend you go for coloured ligs if they are getting really bright yellow, since strongly yellow ligs are not "invisble" so there's no real advantage to you having clear.

Then you can swill the roasted beans down to your heart's content!

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:04 am
by fins
I know mustard will stain clear powerchains immediately. :( It does not brighten up, even with brushing.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:26 pm
by gypsydoodlebug
I got my clear braces on last Thursday and I can already see a hint of stain on my ligs (I'm obsessed with keeping them brushed IMMEDIATELY after eating).

I've noticed canned chili and spaghetti/ Spaghetti O's are contributing to my staining. But they're the few things I can eat, so I guess I'll have to live with the stain or live with the pain (of eating)!!

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:49 pm
by Flora2006
i've had clear ligs and they haven't stained yet at all. But i will NEVER get clear ligs again just because i am paranoid with getting them stained so i don't eat/drink anything that could possibly stain them...i also drink water ALL the time...I haven't even drank coffee yet and coffee is my best

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:06 pm
by Kittysopretty
Ahhh, this is why I went to wire ties. Here is the worst offender list, ( I had clear ligs for 5 weeks):

Anything yellow!!!! (cheese dip from TGI Fridays was AWFUL! was a grilled cheese sandwich I had made with orange cheese. I make this Rice-a-Roni Broccoli Cheese Rice a lot for dinner....that was BAD!!)


Orange Juice

*Coffee wasn't too bad, I noticed. I also brushed right after a spaghetti dinner with Ragu and was fine (I was SHOCKED)

I never dared mustard or red wine with clear ligs but did chomp down bing cherries with no problem.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:44 pm
by privatepilot

I had a recent weekend binge of Hebrew National Hotdogs covered with mustard and it stained my power chains and ligs. I ate mustard on other things before and never had a stain. This time I have big yellow power chain/lig stains that make me look like my teeth are yellow. I wouldn't use peroxide as mentioned above as I heard it loosens the adhesive used to put the brackets on.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:08 am
by fins
KIttysopretty- The wire ties are great but unfortunately, I don't know what can be done about powerchains and staining. I guess maybe smoke colored might help. At least they change to powerchains each visit.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:15 pm
by gypsydoodlebug
Kittysopretty wrote:Ahhh, this is why I went to wire ties.
I thought of you when I stopped by the ortho to get some paperwork signed...I mentioned my ligs had already stained BAD after only a week. They pulled me back to the back and put on wire times, which I really like, and put two silver ligs on on a whim to let me try until my REAL appt. on the 31st. I really like the silver ligs! But I'm really comfortable with the wire ties -- I feel comfortable eating my Chef Boyardee again!