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Tell me i'm just being paranoid!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:36 pm
by lucky_topher
Okay, so they had to pull a tooth in order to pull my teeth back for my overbite... not one of the front two, but count 1, 2, third one not counting one of the front two... only did it on one side too....

well of course i have a gap the size of a freaking tooth!!!

now first i feel my mouth is going to be crooked

second i can't imagine how that gap can get filled up.. it's freaking huge!!!!!

now i realize the orthos are professionals, and that this is a common thing to happen... but man i just feel so... i dunno... it's scary

just tell me i'm being paranoid and that gaps the size of entire HUGE TOOTH get filled up... and that even though it's only one side that had one pulled they won't be uneven :(

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:50 pm
by dena
I think you'll be fine. I had an even number of extractions, so I can't speak for balance. But, I'm definitely nervous about filling my gaps, too! Everyone on this board has attested to the fact that they fill without problem. Once the gaps were in my teeth, I began to question it too, but I think it will work out!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:27 pm
by kirst1583
Yes - they will definitely close.
I thought the same as you at 1st ... I had these 4 gigantic extraction gaps and couldn't see how they would possibly disappear. 2 and 1/2 years into my treatment and they are almost all closed! (of course that could go a lot quicker 4 u, I think my teeth are just slow)
So yeah, try not to worry. I'm sure it'll all work out fine! :thumbsup:

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:22 pm
by bbsadmin
Well, I had four "freaking huge" gaps and they all closed just fine. I know it seems almost impossible, but it does happen! It's "freaking amazing!" :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:37 am
by littleshaddies
Yup, I have four gaps too. They started to get significantly smaler so I know they will close. Imagine the shock of four huge tooth size gaps and feel better that you only have one.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:52 am
by Gel
I hear they will close, I'm nervous too, I just got my powerchains and my bottom gaps are so huge, for the ortho to get the chain to stay on they had to use what he called a pigtail. I'm nervous, but I trust him, so hopefully it works out for all of us!


Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:11 am
by Bracefaced
lucky_topher: you and I may be in the same boat!

I'm only getting one first bicuspid (on my right side) extracted for crowding and an overbite...

I'm getting that one tooth "pulled" today actually...i'm so nervous!!!

I'm also afraid of the same things you are: having an uneven smile/midline as a result of an odd numbered extraction...
Its so common to have an even number of teeth pulled for symmetry that your ortho recommending you go outside of the box is nerve wrecking :o

But I figure in the end, they are professionals and know what's best for each and every patient...and he/she wouldnt recommend anything that will leave you with a worse smile than you started out with. :lol:

I guess since you and I may be in the minority on this site with asymettrical extractions, we should show our progress so others who may be jumping on our ship as well can be put at ease... :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:18 am
by lucky_topher
good idea.. i'll take pics later!